
Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm at Angela Carlie's blog today!

Come on over and join us!  Link


  1. I made a visit to Angela's blog to read the interview! I'm excited to learn that there will be a third book in the series (I need book two first!!). However, learning that there will be a number 3, makes me want to know how many you're thinking you'll have in the series?

  2. Amanda, Good question! I'm still asking myself. Right now it's panning out to be four or five-ish. I want to make sure the series ends naturally.

  3. That is exciting to hear! Please don't wait too long inbetween to publish them, lol. I can't stand waiting 4+months for the next book in a series to come out. I have a hard time putting a good book down, and when it's finished I can't wait for the next (like with Ethereal!!)!
