
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Burn, burn, burn, baby burn

*Amazon link for BURN*

Just wanted to give you the heads up that I pressed the publish button over at Amazon. So whenever Amazon can upload the file, BURN will be available for purchase. My guess is sometime in the afternoon, although Amazon can take up to a couple days when they're busy.

And just FYI, BURN is the longest book in the Celestra series thus far, by over 12 thousand words. I blame most of that on Chloe. Also, Skyla seems to be a magnet for danger in this book. If she were a RL friend, I think I would tend to stay away. So, if you're going to be picking up BURN, buckle up your seat belts because it's going to be a bumpy ride!   

~Happy reading! 

*the Nook version can take up to four or five days to load


  1. I cant wait to read this book!! I'm so excited for it to show up on Amazon.. I'll be searching through for it constantly today! I absolutely love you're writing, keep it up!

  2. So excited! Thanks for the update.

  3. I didn't realize Burn would be release so soon! Now I have something to read at the pool this weekend :)

  4. AHH! I am SO excited Addison!! It's my anniversary today, so I promised my husband no reading... Good thing I'm getting off work 3 hours early today!! Lets hope it's up before he gets home!

  5. Yay!! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to download it!!!!!!!! :-)

  6. Awesome! Between Harry Potter coming out and your fantastic series, this is the best part of the summer! Thanks for getting me through these long 103 degree days with your wonderful writing!

  7. YAY! Can't wait to read it, Addison!! Congratulations on yet another book release. :)

  8. Can't wait to read it. I'm sure I'll breeze right through this one like other two.

  9. Hi girls!!! - I hope you like it. I hope Amazon cooperates soon. The book is coming up for me on my husbands iphone, but not on my laptop. I think Amazon still has it's issues-- although it is blipping in and out existence on their site, which means it's not fully established yet, but sporadically available. Odd, but true. ;) HAPPY READING!!!!!!!

  10. Shame on Amazon for toying with us. LOL! I haven't seen it yet but constantly looking. Thanks!

  11. Wrote too soon, just got it! I was checking on my phone.

  12. I sill can't find it but I know I will. This is making my day! My 1 year old has to have surgery in the morning. I have been stessing! Now I can at least look forward to smething to keep my mind busy while waiting! I just planned on rereading the first 2 since I blew through them so fast and tend to loose detail that way. I am too eager to know what happens to read slower! lol I look forward to it! Thank you Addison Moore for great reading material! Also I want to mention that I really appreciate the wording you use in your books. You don't use simple wording so it makes the reader think. Since the books are geared towards young people I think that is fantastic! So thank you for that as well!

  13. Sabrina Yay! I hope you enjoy it. =)

  14. Kristinab23 - Your comment touched me so much. I hope all goes well for your little one, and if BURN can help alleviate stress on your part in any way, I'm humbled to have had a part in it. And I'm so glad that you find the vocabulary in my novels engaging. One of my Beta's often complains of this, but I usually snub his efforts to subdue me. (the Beta in question is my husband ;)

  15. I wanted to leave a note for everyone waiting on the book. I have also been checking all day long and I was FINALLY able to access and purchase the book on my phone ONLY. When I go to on my pc...its still not showing up...really weird, but worth a try for everyone else out there waiting. Off to read...excited to find out exactly what secrets Chloe has to reveal!!

  16. LOL..just read the comment above--I guess you figured it out already. Anyway...try your phones if your still works! :)

  17. Oh what an exciting surprise to find today!! Off to see if it is up!! :D

  18. oh my freaking god! i just finished. i really hope you are held up in a room somewhere writing your butt off because i cant wait for the next book!! also i got the book on my kindle at about 7:00pm PST just so you know. i cant wait for more

  19. Can't wait to read it! I've been checking up on the website every day to see when it will come out! :)

  20. Vanessa - yes, you were right! Isn't that strange that mobile users would get it first? I'm going to remember that when book 4 comes out. I hope you enjoy BURN!

  21. Lindsay - It's up for Kindle for sure! ~Happy reading!

  22. happytrout - I really did lough out loud when I read your comment. Too funny! Partially because it's TRUE! I did venture out into the world today. I'm glad to see everything is still functioning out there. =) Have a great day!

  23. Jenn - Great! Amazon is up and the link is at the top of this post. Nook will be a few days still, due to their slower method of loading. I hope you enjoy!

  24. WOW!!! Just finished it... I CAN'T wait for the next book to come... Please let us know when we can expect it!!! Soo looking forward for it!

  25. Yoss - You are fast! And yes, I'll let you know for sure as far as book 4 goes. Thank you for reading!

  26. Can't wait to read it....just downloaded it to my Kindle. I am half way into Forever by Maggie Stiefvater, but I am debating whether to put that on hold to read Burn.

  27. finished it this morning. absolute shocker!!! cant wait for the next one

  28. Darcy - Wow that you should debate BURN over FOREVER makes me smile. ;) I hope you enjoy!

  29. Kayce - You are a quick reader! I'm working on book 4 now and I hope to have it out soon.

  30. I got it last night and finished it this morning... woke up and couldn't get back to sleep thinking about it. Please please write fast ;) can't wait to see what happens!

  31. Just finished your book. It was soooo good. Are you trying to torture us? I was screaming like a little girl during the ending. I had to read it like twelve times before it all sunk in. Well done. Never saw this coming:) I can hardly wait for the next one. Please hurry!!

  32. sarabethxvx - I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Book 4 is already well underway. I can't wait to get it out to you. Have a great weekend!

  33. Camille - What I liked best about book three was that the ending set up the next book so well. And to tell the truth, that ending clenched me and made me hold my breath through each revision. ;) Thank you for your kind words!

  34. Finished this afternoon and WOW, my brain is still tangled up in that ending. I am on pins and needles waiting on book 4. Camille is right...TORTURE!! :D Great job.

  35. Thanx Lindsay! Book four will be out soon. =)

  36. I bought it last night and just finished it! Can't wait for number 4!

  37. OH MY GOD. SO. GOOD. I can't wait for the next one!

  38. April - Awesome! I can't wait until number four is out there.

  39. I.Heart.Helicase - Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. =)

  40. I loved it!!!!! The end was like "WHAT?!" I can not wait for the next one!!!!!!!! Any ideas when that will be out!? :-) haha! Thanks for writing such a great series! I absolutely love Gage...

  41. Stephanie - I'm glad you loved it! I love hearing from people, so that totally makes my day! Book four is currently under construction. It's actually keeping me up at night. Skyla seems to live in an exhausting world. ;)

  42. I am new fan and a total addict. The Celestra series is HIGHLY addictive right from the start. I was really excited to start the series at the beginning of the week only to find that book 3 was published just recently. They are all very enticing and I really can't wait to see what is in store for Chloe, Skyla, and Paragon Island in general. I have recommended your series to all who will listen. I am very impressed with the way you write your characters. They aren't weaklings...they really are teenagers. Hormonal, irrational, and catty b*tches. Your YA series is the first I have read that shows teen girls as they really can be to each other. They can be cruel, unforgiving, and two-faced on a daily basis. Thank you for your raw characters and riveting storyline. I highly look forward to book #4

  43. Amber, I cannot thank you enough for the kind words and for you spreading the word of mouth to your friends. I'm so glad Celestra has struck a chord with you.

    I really have a good time writing the series and try to be as honest as I can in portraying the entire cast of characters. Have a great rest of the weekend!

  44. So, im moving in less than 2 weeks, so i couldnt read straight through! I kept getting scolded for reading on my phone instead of packing. ;)
    The ending was unexpected and amazing! A little nerve-racking.... I just couldn't believe it! I wanted to jump in to the novel and kick some major butt in certain areas. I also laughed out loud a few times, receiving strange looks from my hubby and son. Thanks for that! I can't wait for the rest of the books to come out. I need to fast forward my calender, get the finished product from you, and then return to this moment and read them. Light driving perhaps?

  45. danielleflippo - lol! Can I join you in light driving? I'd like to go into the future and retrieve all finished Celestra books, then simply upload them to Kindle and Nook. ;) In a perfect world, right?

    I hope your move went well.
    Thanks for reading!

  46. Burn is by far my favorite in the series. It was so intense and interesting I couldn't put it down! How far along in the next book are you because I'm not sure I can wait!! The ending was such a tease!

  47. Elizabeth - I'm glad you liked BURN! Book four will be done soon, but then will drift into countless edits. I'll try and post a cover and title up on my blog soon. I'm also thinking about putting out a new series around the same time as book four. =)

  48. Just finished reading BURN and let me tell you, I am HOOKED! I cannot wait to see what happens but I have to be honest, I'm totally TEAM GAGE. LOL How many books are you planning on in this series? I think I could read at least 10 more about Skyla, Logan, Gage, Brielle and the gang! Thank you SO much for a wonderful story!

  49. Aw, Shannon thank you! I hope to produce many more books in the series. I don't have a solid number, but I have a feeling the characters will tell me when it's the end. =)

  50. Just finished BURN and my first reaction was holy isht...what a way to end it, I was flabbergasted! I had to reread the last few pages to make sure I'd read it correctly. I mean, how is Skyla not dead?! Fantastic and can't WAIT for number 4. And on a completely side note I love the cover art. Simple and sophiscated, just gorgeous.

  51. Heather - Awesome! I'm glad you liked it! The ending gave me chills even through revisions. ;) And thank you so much for the kind words regarding the covers. It takes forever to find the right picture, but I enjoy the process.

  52. Congrats!!! Can't wait to read it:) YAYYYY! ---Laura

  53. laurasmagicday - Thank you Laura! Hope you enjoy it!

  54. LOVED Burn! I had to read the ending more than once to make sure I was reading it right. I love it when I am thrown for a loop. AMAZING! I cannot wait for book #4. Don't make us wait too long. Thanks Addison for writing such an amazing story.

  55. Thanks Darcy! I had no idea the ending would make such a big impact. I'm thrilled that it has. And book 4 is coming along nicely. =) Thank you for reading!

  56. Addison,
    I've been such a slacker...Don't worry, I completely blame myself. I started Ethereal on Sunday afternoon and finished Burn Tuesday evening. I tried to leave my Kindle at home today, but downloaded the Kindle app on my phone and synched up Burned. Your books are RIVETING. OMG. I've gotten a little bored with YA as of late; I'm 28, married, and read more YA books than YA's do. That said, if you charged half as much as Laurell K Hamilton charges for watered down Anita Black's-cheap-paranormal-porn-that-by-Goodness-sake-should-be-edited-already!, I'd still buy the Kindle and hardcover books. Please keep writing. I've read 78 novels in the past 16 months to stave off the boredom of networking guides and programming manuals I have to read for a living - even Charlaine Harris couldn't grip me as you have with the Celestra series. I can't wait for #4!!! Thank you ever so kindly for giving this nerd such a thrilling ride. <3

  57. christina.eve.wong - Oh wow, you just warmed my heart with your super nice words!! I can't thank you enough for taking the time to let me know how much you're enjoying the series. It's readers like you who make this huge endeavor worth it all. Thank you for reading and I can't wait to get book 4 out to you. Please stop by anytime! I really do love connecting with my readers. =)

  58. Goodness. It took me forever to get back through the first 2 books to get to the 3rd. I really wanted to re-read them so that I could take in the details that might have gotten lost in my original speed read. I really enjoyed this book! At times I laughed my butt off and at times I felt like punching someone! It's great how you are able to suck people into your stories so deeply! I just put my Kindle down and right now I am SO frustrated because you leave us at such a pivitol moment lol! You sure know how to make a cliffhanger! I can't wait to see how this plays out. I did want to throw something out here for consitancy value, in the first 2 books Briell worked for Logan at the bowling alley but in the 3rd when she takes the job with Marshall, Skyla makes it sound as if she doesn't work for them and possibly never did. I just wanted to throw that out there so the people helping you with the books could be aware. I may be mistaken and if so I apologize for my confusion. Thank you for such thrilling books!

  59. Kristinab23 - Thank you! Wow, I'm honored you read them more than once!!!! I'm already well into book 4 and the plot is untangling some of the issues from the last chapter of BURN. And yes, I did know Brielle worked for Logan since that was told in Skyla's initial meeting with both Logan and Gage in ETHEREAL. I probably should have made it a bigger deal that she wanted to work for Marshall instead, although something tells me Brielle's not too fond of the manual labor he's putting her through. I'll make it clear one way or the other in book 4. Even if Brielle is flighty, I shouldn't be. ;) Thank you again for reading!!! And I can't wait to get book 4 out there. =)

  60. I really enjoy your books! I'm still on the first (slow reader...) but they are very good and I plan to buy the second and third immediately after I'm finished. Ethereal was the first e-book I bought on my Kindle! =)

    Also, I have a really quick question: would you by chance know how many pages there are in each of the books? For my summer reading project we have to document 1000+ pages of reading, so I'm wondering if you possibly knew how many pages there were exactly so I could write it down. Unfortunately, my Kindle doesn't say and I can't find the info online. Thanks in advance if you can answer. n.n

  61. Ally - I am SOOO honored to have been your first Kindle purchase!!! That really put a smile on my face, so huge thank you! =) As far as pages, it's all relative, but in standard paperback size the page count would be as follows; 340, 360, 400. I hope that helps! ~Happy reading Ally!

  62. Just got back from vacation and was thrilled to see that Burn had come out while I was away! (And it came out on my 10 year anniversary!) I stayed up way too late last night reading the whole thing! And then I couldn't sleep! I was too busy thinking about that ending! I'm nervous! Needless to say, I loved it and am totally hooked!

  63. Also, I'm wondering how it works when you write a series like this. Do you already know the ending? When you started writing, did you already have it all planned out in your head? Just curious!

    P.S. Do you live in WA? I grew up there and I always think it's fun when books take place in my home state.

  64. Ang - ~*Happy Anniversary*~!!! 10 years!! That is fantastic!! And thank you for reading my novels! I apologize for keeping you up late. ;) As far as the story arcs go, I need to know the ending of each novel before I begin. I tend to write towards the goal of the black moment and then the cliffhanger on the final page. I also know the large story arc and how the series will eventually wrap itself up. That being said, nothing is set in stone and I do like me some surprises. I usually let those happen in the smaller moments of the book. I really do feel like Skyla is writing the books and I just take dictation.

    As for Washington, I've visited on several occasions and loved it! What a beautiful state!!! =)

  65. I didn't mean to make it sound as if you didn't know what was going on in your books. I just thought it sounded that way from the things Skyla was thinking on the way over to Marshalls. I thought in editing it could have been mixed up or something. I will probably end up reading them again because I really like the characters and I enjoy taking in all the details. I hope it didn't come off rudely. Thanks again for such fun and exciting books!

  66. P.S.S. I had already read the first two twice before Burn came out! Now I'm off to reread Burn! I'm sure someone will feed my kids eventually. ;)

    P.S.S.S. (is that even legal?) I can't wait for them to come into print so I can share them with my book club! (I'm the only member with an eReader.)

  67. Kristinab23 - Oh I totally didn't even take it that way. In fact, I thought of you today while plotting out a scene with Brielle. When you hit that portion in book 4 (Brielle discussing her job) you can consider yourself a contributor in a good way! I think it's awesome that you would like to help me. Thank you again and please drop by anytime. If you think of anything else at all, please feel free to bring it to my attention. I really appreciate your help!! =)

  68. Ang - lol about feeding the kids. Food does seem rather necessary. ;) And yes, P.S.S.S. is totally legal in all 50 states! My books on paper? I'm working on it. I'm hoping to have news to share on that front in the very near future. I'm humbled that you would want to share my novels with your book club. Thank you!

  69. Addison,
    YAY! This is the very first time I've had the honor of connecting with an author. How amazing! So excited to see how Skyla deals with the cliffhangers in Burn...WOW. I can't stop thinking about that...
    <3 Christina

  70. Christina - I'm glad you liked BURN! The end of BURN created an easy opening to Book 4 in the series. As soon as I have the cover done and a title- I'll post it up on the blog. Please stop by anytime, I really love connecting with readers!!!

  71. Just finished it! Loved all of it, such an exciting ending. Now if that doesn't leave you wanting more I don't know what will! :) Can't wait for the next one.

  72. Beautiful Greetings - Thank you so much. I honestly wasn't sure how the ending would be received. I'm more than happy that it left you wanting more. =) I'm swimming in book 4 as we speak. Just sneaking in a little break. ;) Thanks for reading!

  73. Wh-Wh-What?!!!

    After reading BURN the only things that came to mind were... "Holy Crap, that was unexpected!" and "Holy Crap, how am I going to wait until book four!"

    I'm really satisfied with how it ended, actually. It gives you a reason to read the series again, but with a whole new perspective on, well, pretty much everything.

    This series is refreshing because its actually unpredictable which is hard to come by with YA Paranormal books.

    Love the combination of foretelling AND time-travel. It confuses you just enough to be surprised =)

    I skimmed over some of the posts and noticed that you are starting a new series? AWESOME.

    Keep writing and I'll keep reading and telling others.

  74. Danielleflippo ... HAHA with the getting scolded for reading on your phone instead of pacing. I get the same thing with my hubby and son.

    I both love and hate the Kindle App. I walk around with my face shoved into my phone reading these books.


  75. Mel-B - I love your reaction to the ending! =) Right now I'm pounding book 4 into my laptop as fast as my fingers will fly. The story is unfolding naturally because so much of it was set up by book 3, and I'm having a blast doing it.

    And, yes, I'm writing another series! I am SOOOOOO EXCITED about this new series that I'm probably going to have a cover and title reveal sometime this week. I am dying to share it and cannot wait to see what people will think. I'm hoping good things for it.

  76. I can't wait to see the title and cover of the new series!!!

  77. I love your books! But if you start a new series will you still work on finishing this series to completion? I just like these too much to never find out how it ends. :)

    Oh, and as a random side note I wanted to say that I don't normally start a series until after it has been completed (I can't stand not knowing the end...I am big into instant gratification I guess ha!)but I decided to read yours because of all the amazing reviews you got. And I really do love that you use good descriptive words and don't "baby" it up because they are for YA's.

  78. Stephanie - Yay! I'm SO psyched to share it. I have the title and the series name worked out- it's that ever elusive perfect cover that's holding me up. But I simply cannot wait!!

  79. Cali - I promise- my new series won't impinge at all with my Celestra time. In fact, I hope to keep writing Celestra at the pace I am until it's finished. I really need to keep my feet in Skyla's world so I won't lose my bearings on what's going on. And believe me, book 4 is swimming with ideas and concepts that are begging to be kept straight. ;)

    And BTW, your random side note made me swell with delight like you will never know. Thank you so much for being a reader!!! And for putting a smile on my face! =)

  80. So I'm gonna need to put a rush on Book 4 bc I'm pretty sure that I had it figured out partially but I almost wet myself on other parts. Hurry hurry we're all dying to find out what happens next :)

  81. cdpayne - Just for you I'm going to up my word count today. I love the challenge. Thank you for reading! I hope book 4 makes you feel the same way. I'm reeeeaallly hoping to have book 4 out at the end of August. =) And if everything works out, a cover and title up even sooner than that.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. BURN WAS AWESOME!!!! But, jeez, it's such a cliff hanger! And I'm like reeling right now!!!!!!! I loved it Ms. Moore! You're so talented, but you'll be killing me with all this suspense!! When do you think the 4th book will come out? This year maybe? Please? =) Again, i'm reeling and i loved it, but i'm so confused! Who will Skyla end up with?? Logan? Gage? Marshall? Can she even change the future? Why is everyone turning out to be a Count?!?!??!?!!?!??!

  84. KajalK - Thank you! I'm SO glad you enjoyed BURN! And I love that it left you reeling. =) I'm working on book 4 right now. I don't really have a set date for it to come out, but I'm guessing late August early September. I'll be posting a cover and title for both book 4 and a new series I'll be launching soon. As for your questions, most of those will be answered in book 4. ;)

  85. I can't wait!!! I was so shocked when Chloe came back, i literally read it twice!! It was.... FLABBERGASTING! I can't wait! Celestra is amazing!!

  86. KajalK - Thank you for your kind words!

  87. Addison are my new best friend! I randomly found ethereal on Saturday and, much to my husbands chagrin, finished all three books by the next day. I love your take on Nephilim and the various kinds like celestra and levatio! The only thing that disappointed me was that book four is not yet out. How many total are going to be in this series? Thanks for your hard work!

  88. Jensen Family - Wow, you gobbled those books up! I am honored to be your new best friend! =) My heart dropped when I saw that you were disappointed, but since it had to do with book 4 not being out yet, I felt tons better. Thank you so much for your support, and I think you might have broken a reading record! You are awesome!

  89. Do you know how many books will be in the series Ms. Moore? Will the 4th be the last? I hope not! But, if it is, I hope it will answer my questions!

  90. Hi KajalK - I think there will be at least six books in the series. I have the overall story arcs worked out, I just want the novels to come to a natural word count in each book with the plot lines their given so it might be a little more. I hope that helps! =)

  91. It does! Thank you so much Ms. Moore! I wish you luck in your writing and i hope you know that you have my support!

  92. KajalK - Thank you! I treasure your support and the support of all my readers more than you'll ever know!! Thanks for reading! =)

  93. I couldn't put this down!!!!! The end of Burn has a very intense cliffhanger. Thanks for the 3 great reads! No pressure. but do you think you could write and publish book 4 today? I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. Thea Pet - LOL! I love that last line. And yes, I'm actually writing book 4 today, but sadly I'm only 3/4 of the way through with it. Soon though! I can't wait to dig into rewrites and edits. Thank you SO much for reading my books. I hope book 4 captures you in the same way that the last 3 did as well. =) Thanks again!!

  95. read all of these this week, and i'm already craving book 4 (crushed over the cliffhanger in book 3)

  96. Janet - Yay! I'm happy to hear you're craving book 4. Although I'm sorry that you were crushed over the ending in BURN. Don't be. =) I think the best part of book 4 is the consistency it holds to the other 3. Celestra still has so far to go. I really look forward to sharing book 4 with you! Please, stop by often and thank you so much for reading my books!!!

  97. I already posted on goodreads, but I just discovered your blog. Not being a stalker lol, but I just want to say thanks for always responding to our questions/comments.

    The Celestra series has officially become my latest obsession/addiction and I'm re-reading the first 3 books to allay my habit and hold me over until Book 4 is released.

    While re-reading, I find there's a certain beauty and sacredness in their connection to "the Master"/God, especially in the balloon dream scene in Ethereal and the heaven scene with Marshall in Burn; and I feel that that got lost somewhat in the storyline and suspense of the books, and I was wondering if that theme might reappear in Book 4?

    You're an AMAZING author (I will always be a loyal reader), thanks again for creating the world of Paragon and sharing it with us.

  98. Amber J. - I cannot thank you enough for your encouraging words. I'm humbled that you would read my books once let alone rereading them. So BIG thank you again!!! Regarding the sacredness of the text and if that would be revisited, I would say yes, only because the overall war that is being built up has overtones of that nature.

    I'm SUPER thrilled you are enjoying the world that is Paragon. I feel like I live there half the time. I really am enjoying myself with this series.

    Feel free to drop by anytime! I'm more than happy to answer everyone. =)

  99. P.S. -- it seems, based on certain questionable/foretelling statements made in Books 1 and 3 by one of my favourite characters, that he might not make it until the end of the series...which makes me very sad :(

    but you haven't written a single thing that's disappointed me yet :)
    so I have faith in your judgement and the paths you choose for your characters

  100. It has been a lttle while since I stopped by. A little because I tucked tail, thinking I had offended you. Lol! A little because I am keeping myself busy reading other stories. I'm very happy I didn't offend you! I was so surprsed by your last comment I had to tell my mom! LOL! It was SO sweet of you to tell me that I helped in some way! It will be very cool reading that particular part in the book and knowing that! I know your working very hard on the new book and I am excited and patiently waiting! Also, I have to tell you. I got my mom hooked onto your series as well. She was very impressed that you interact with your readers. That along with my ravings about the stories inspired her to download them as well! I will keep telling people as often a they will listen! Thanks again! Happy writting!

  101. WOW! Prps to you Addidon. You are now my new fav author. I came across bk 1 and have been devouring the rest this weekend. I think my hubby & kids are tired of seeing my face in the Kindle! ha ha.
    Seriously, I usually get disappointed in a series by at least 1 of the books. However, these are BLOWING me AWAY each time. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see what's to come!

  102. I meant Addison... too much reading!

  103. Amber J - Thank you for trusting me. I try to hold the heart of a reader when I write my characters. I don't know which character you're referring to, but hopefully book 4 will help you see a more hopeful insight into that characters future. =)

  104. Kristinab23 - You are too funny! Please stop by anytime and often. I really love chatting with readers. =) And a HUGE thank you for spreading the word about my books and a exceptionally HUGE thank you for telling your mom about them. Please let her know I said thank you and I really hope she enjoys them too!

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. Renee - I love that you were buried in your Kindle! I think that's awesome. Thank you so much for reading my books. I'm SO glad they brought you some entertainment. I'm almost through with book 4 right now but it will still be weeks and weeks before I can release it. I'm trying really hard to shore up the cover art and title so I can at least put that out there. I'm also going to working on a new series. I'm out of my mind excited about that one and can't wait to share that as well. Feel free to stop by anytime and thanks for reading. =)

  107. I was referring to Gage, but I think I was afraid to actually write the name -- as if that actually had some bearing on whether or not my fear would come to fruition lol...but thanks again for responding.

  108. Amber J. - Gage seems to be a real crowd pleaser. I think the majority of readers lean in his direction. =) Every now and again I'll get someone with a heart for Logan emailing me, but they're too afraid to admit to it online. lol. I really do love them both. ;)

  109. I loved all 3 books! I didn't realize it was a series in progress. I usually try to find completed series because when they are really good like this one, I read non stop until I've devoured them completely. It drives me crazy waiting for the next one. I started the 1st one on Friday night and by 2am Sunday morning finished Burn. I loved the ending but didn't realize until part way through Burn that there is more to the story and more books to come. So I hoped online to find out when the next release is. To my surprise, I found out Burn was just released. Sadly I will have to wait to finish the story. Thanks for the great read.

  110. Danetra - I really am the same way when I'm reading a series. I remember having to wait an entire year just to read the next in a series and hating that eternal wait only to find out I have to wait another year to read the conclusion (if it was a trilogy) lol! Yes, I'm right there with you on that one. The good news is I'm about to pen 'the end' on book 4 sometime on either Monday or Tuesday, which I'm really excited about! And then after that I'll comb over it and change it and rearrange it until it morphs into something I feel I could put out there. That usually takes about another full month. I feel bad for saying that because I know it seems quick to some people. I really do find myself so immersed when I write that it's hard for me to do anything else.

    I hope to push book 4 out there sometime in September. I hope that you'll be happy with the end result although, it's not the final book in the series. I hope that won't stop you from reading it. =) I'm hoping that this week I'll post a cover and a title. It takes more time to shore up those details than seems possible, so I might be hoping against hope.

    Have a great rest of the weekend! And thank you so much for reading my books! Get some good rest today. You deserve it! =)

  111. I literally read you entire series in 2 days...amazing! When does the 4th come out because that was quite the cliffhanger!!! Thanks for get away. :)


  112. :) Never mind...I just read your previous comments to the exact same question! At least you know you have done an amazing job on this series! Love it!!!

  113. Jaclyn Beith - Wow! First, thank you for reading my novels. I am so humbled that you read all three in such a short time! Thank you for the nice words regarding Celestra. I'm really hoping to put up a cover and title soon, both here and on goodreads. Tomorrow should be the last day I spend writing the first draft of book 4, and it's always the most exciting day of the entire writing process for me since 'the end' usually means a segue into the next novel. Can't wait to share it with you! Have a great rest of the weekend! =)

  114. Addison... wow now I am wanting more. Read this one too fast I think. I just love the series I have been telling everyone about them. Also the cover art is the best by far of any covers yet. BURN my favorite... Cannot wait till the next book! Happy writing!

  115. April - Thank you for your kind words on the series! And HUGE thank you for the word of mouth. I can't tell you how much something like that means to me.

    I was really happy with the cover art for BURN. I'm knee deep in cover art for book 4 and it's actually a really tough process trying to get the picture just right. I hope to get book 4's cover and title up soon and the actual book out hopefully in September. =)

    Thank you SO much for reading my books! And please stop by again!!

  116. I love this series. I read probably about 4 books a week. I absolutely love the idea. I found book 1 and 2 and was completely engross and read them both in about 2 days. I was so happy when Burn was released I got it as soon as it came out and finished it by the next evening. I was hoping to find some info on book 4... I can't wait. I was completely sad when Burn ended. Any idea when you may be releasing it??

  117. amahkorn - Aw, I was touched when you said you were sad that BURN came to an end. Right now I'm writing the tail end of book 4. I've been completely immersed in the world of Paragon. I'm hoping to put a cover and title up soon for book 4, as well as send the manuscript off to my Beta's for their approval on the storyline. I'm thinking realistically it won't be released until sometime in September. I really hope you'll enjoy book 4 as much as you did the other three.

    Thank you SO much for reading my stories. I can't tell you enough how encouraging it is for me to hear from nice readers like you!!! =)

  118. I read all three books in one week on my Kindle...can we say obsessed! I love Gage and Skyla together not a fan of Logan. Can't wait for book 4!I work, attend college I am also a wife and a mother, but some how I always find time to read. Keep up the good work!!! My daughters name is Addison.

  119. Tara - I love your daughter's name! lol! And thank you for reading my books. =) I'm eeking my way to the end of #4 right now. Literally just took a break and read your comment. I'm honored that you would take time out of your busy schedule to read all three of my books in one week! I sure hope you enjoyed them. I can't wait to give you more of Gage and Skyla, and well, Logan too. ;)

  120. I can't wait! The ending was awesome, I am re-reading now incase I missed something lol. Once I get hooked on a series its hard for me to let go. Happy writing.

  121. One more thing, I love thhat the books are affordable! I would pay anything to read them but thank you!

  122. Tara - Thanks, I need all the happy writing vibes I can get. And, you're welcome for the pricing! =)

  123. Thanks Addison for such great books! I may have to read them a third time while waiting for #4 to come out. I also wanted to say that I'm a Logan fan all the way and I'm not afraid to say it . I love the forbidden love thing they have going on. I would love a little more time of them together.

  124. Skye Rain - Wow! I want to hug you for reading my books THREE times!!!! And I love your unabashed love for Logan. =) I have to admit I have no favorites and I hold both Logan and Gage on an equal scale. Yes, I'm in love with both. lol!

    Book 4 is done. It's now officially in the revisions stage. I'm super thrilled to be releasing it soon. (September-ish is my guess).

  125. Can I just say... DITTO to ALL the above!!! LOL! Literally! Honored you are actually responding to posts during your writing process... I'm on pins and needles along with everyone else.. Thanks for such a fun read... Wishing you continued success!!!

  126. Sherri - Thank you! I LOVE connecting with people and I'm super humbled that people would, first, read my books, and second, actually reach out and say hi! I feel the love and I definitely want to return it. I don't have a big publisher, or a marketing company or anything that can push my books. All I have is what really counts, nice people like you! Thank you SO much for reading my books. I'm trying really hard to craft book 4 into a great follow up to BURN. It's in revisions and once it's through I can't wait to share. Please stop by anytime. =)

  127. I will thanku! :) Oh and your comment reminded me to get on amazon and leave reviews for these! Gotta spread the word! :):) I'm on it! :) Thanks again! Have a wonderful day!

  128. Sherri - Super huge THANK YOU for that! I'm touched that you would do it. It means everything to me. Thank you a million times over!

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. I was wondering if after you're done with Book 4 and are able to come up for air lol, would it be possible for you to add a page or link to your blog that briefly explains the process (copyrighting & digital publishing) you went through to bring this amazing series to life? Some internet friends and I were talking on another forum about self-publishing and it's kind of like the blind leading the blind lol, so any info you could offer would be great.

    *Obviously, you giving us pages full of Gage, Logan, and Marshall is what's most important to me lol, so if you don't have time to answer my question above, it's perfectly ok*

  131. Amber J. - My good friend M. Leighton did a great post on this, however it was as a guest post on someone else's blog other than her own and I can't remember where. I'm going to ask her to give me the link because she really hit a home run on this one. I'll try and get that from her today. Please come back and I'll have the link here in the comments as soon as I get it. =) Not a problem! I'm happy to get this info to you!

  132. Amber J - here's the link from Michelle!

  133. All I have to say is AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!! I absolutely love this series I keep talking about it on my own blog! Thank you for giving me something to have for downtime and entertainment from work, kids, and house chores (of course the chores I kinda set aside for a couple of days to read hehe) I read the first two books again before I read Burn! I CAN NOT wait for book number 4! The ending has had me thinking for the past few days :)! Thank you again! I love a good series! I haven't been this excited about a series since Twilight!! :)

  134. Fuzzyslippers - Thank YOU! I hopped over to your blog and peeked in. I hope you don't mind! That was so sweet of you to chat up Celestra!! And I so know what your talking about regarding the distraction from chores, that is after all, the reason I write. :) Thank you so much for stopping my blog. I hope you stop by often. Book 4 is on its way. In fact, I'm doing a read through tonight. =)

  135. I dont mind at all! :) And I do check in often to see if you've written any updates on book four! :) I'm super excited that it's on it's way! I really Can Not wait! I've been going on and on about it with whoever will listen! LOL!

  136. Fuzzyslippers - I'm so thrilled you like the books enough to tell you friends!! That just makes me spiral with happiness! I think maybe I should do a new post and give some updates on book 4. I wish the planets would align and I could finally nail the cover and title. Hopefully this next week. I'm also trying to launch a new series at the same time so I'm hoping I can introduce them both next week. *crosses fingers*

  137. Addison,

    It's been awhile since I've checked in (I feel like I should more often, lol). I wanted to know how book 4 is coming along!!?? I re-read books 1-3 this past week as I have nothing grabbing my attention right now! Love them so much!

  138. Amanda - Oh my gosh, you are SO sweet! Book 4 is all done! (yay) except for revisions. I really hope you like book 4 as much as the others. I'm going to hover over it for the next two weeks then send it off to my freelance editor and I think this time I'll bounce it between the two of us at least twice (waves at Sarah the editor). I was only able to go over BURN once with her because she was busy getting married. lol. Oh well, life happens. ;) Thanks for picking up my spirits Amanda! I'll be thinking of you as I dive back into Skyla's world this afternoon. =)

  139. Oh my gosh, Addison! Talk about a cliffhanger! I honestly have to say, I read a lot of these kinds of books and your series is my new fave. Wouldnt be surpris ed if we are hearing a lot more about you very soon! Great, great job. This is one of those series that deprives you of sleep because you cant put it down. Will we see book 4 before thanksgiving?

  140. StephanieP - *blushes* wow thanks! And guess what? Book 4 is finished! I'm actually probably too excited about that especially considering it's in revisions. I'm shooting for a September release. And when I'm not revising book 4, # 5 is spilling out onto my keyboard as well. I figured why stop while the momentum seems to be there. So hopefully by Thanksgiving I'll have five out as well. I really hope people will still be interested by then. I'm truly humbled that nice people such as yourself take the time to stop by. Please don't be shy and stop by often. =) Thank you SO much for reading my books!

  141. Addison, thanks SO much for the link!! And please thank your friend M. Leighton for all the great info; it was truly helpful. I will have to check out some of her books...when I'm done rereading the Celestra series :)

  142. Amber J - You're welcome! Here's M. Leighton's Amazon page if you'd like to see her books.

  143. Hey Addison!
    Glad to hear book 4 is done! Can't wait to read it! When Burn came out, I had been reading Linger, by Maggie Stiefvater. Naturally, I had to stop and read Burn! Well, I finally finished Linger, but I have to say, it doesn't compare to your books! Your story line is so much more compelling and better written! Now I'm having troubles finding books as good as yours! Any suggestions??

  144. Little Miss Priss - I wish I could hug you. I sunk in my chair when I read your comment, it was such a wildly great compliment, of which I feel very unworthy of, so huge thank you for that one! =)

    I'm generally a picky reader. Do you have a kindle? This probably works for any e-reader, but what I do is download a ton of sample chapters from a wide variety of genres and try to sift through them until I find one that I think will hit the spot. One book I read a long time ago was White Oleander by Janet Fitch. It's not YA, but something about it really hit home with me as both a reader and a writer. I hope you have a blast downloading samples and checking out great reads. There really are so many, and I hope you find a read you can get into.

    Book 4 is coming together nicely in revisions. In fact so much so that in my downtime from editing I'm actually writing a tiny bit of book 5. I feel like book 4 could have easily been twice its length, but I've already hit my comfort zone with the word count.

    Have a great day!

  145. Hi Addison!
    I am a recent Celestra fan (my sister introduced me and read all three of your books in 2 days) Lets just say the family had to take a back seat during that time! lol.

    I NEED you to hurry and post your book four, you can't leave me hanging!!!

    Great read!! Have already recommended it to friends!

  146. I do own an iPad, but it's difficult to pry it out of my kids hands!! I'll look for those samples! I'm a pretty picky reader as well! Got hooked on the Twilight Series, and until Celestra, I had a hard time finding anything appealing!

    Happy Weekend!

  147. Cheri22 - First, thank you for reading and spreading the word! And please, thank your sister for me too! I wish book four was already buttoned up and ready to go. The good news is its finished it's just undergoing some much needed polishing. I love hearing from people so please, anytime pop back in. And I hope both you and your sister will enjoy book four as much as the other three. The plot takes some interesting turns and I hope they'll keep you on your toes and hopefully wanting more. Book 5 is already being outlined. ;) Have a great weekend Cheri!

  148. Little Miss Priss - Lol! I have an ipad and see it far less than I'd like to for that exact same reason. And, thank you again for the super nice words regarding my books. It's encouragement like yours that keep my fingers pecking away at the keyboard. =)

  149. I have already scoured your blog as to when book four would potentially be released. I see you think september, so Its already written in my agenda to start hunting amazon for it! lol

    PS, if you ever need someone else to help edit the rough draft, more than happy to (for free! Getting a sneak peak is bonus enough for me!) Plus caught a spelling error in your last book (when she was driving the truck with Gage, should have been "brake" rather than "break" - not picking the book apart, just showing my super reading skills lol.

  150. Cheri22 - I totally thank you for brining that error to my attention! I don't mind at all. In fact I've already changed the file twice since I put it up, so thank you again! I will correct ASAP. And I'll consider your beta offer. =)

    Once book 4 is just about ready to launch I'll give a heads up on exactly what day I think it will land over at Amazon. I'm getting excited!! Can't wait to share.

  151. The book was awesome. I could not put it down all day! I am so excited to see what happens in the next book that I wish I had the power to see the future so I know when I will be reading the next book. LOL. You truly are an amazing writer. All the charters are great and I had no idea that was where you were going to go. Their is truly something amazing to be said about what your mind comes up with. I can not wait for the next one!!!!! Thank you for writing!

  152. Margaret - Aww, super *BIG* thank you! I really have enjoyed writing this series. I've finished book 4 and am up to my eyeballs in revisions right now. I'm shooting for a release date of September and if things keep up the way they have I should make it no problem. Can't wait to share it with you! Please stop by often. =)

  153. Ah the wonders of Kindle! I am so glad I can still download your book even though I'm aaaaall the way over in South Korea!

    This is my favorite of the books so far! I can't put it down! I'm not quite finished yet, because I work too much and don't have time to sit down for long periods of time and devour it [like I did with the other two!]. But I've got the kindle app on my iPhone, and in between students, I sit at my desk and read. My students come in and catch me hunched over my iPhone and they're like, "Teacher, what are you doing?" haha

    I totally have a character crush on Gage, despite the fact that I am way too old for him. heehee!

    Thanks for writing these wonderful books! I am so excited to see what happens at the end of this one!

  154. Hi Amber Jayne! I'm so glad you're checking back in! I was thinking of you all the way over in South Korea. I'm so glad you got your hands on BURN. I don't think there's anything wrong to have a character crush on Gage. I happen to be crushing pretty hard on Gage, Logan and Marshall. I think that's why they revolve so much around Skyla. ;) I've already written book 4, it's in the polishing stage and perhaps by the time you finish BURN it will be sitting on Amazon's e-shelves. Please stop by again! Have a great day and thank you so much for reading my books!

  155. Addison,

    I am SO happy to hear you're in the revision stages of book 4! How exciting! I feel like these characters are apart of my life, that I crave more, more, and more!

    How dare Sarah go off and get married on you during Burn, lol! Congrats Sarah!!!

    Well, I am way excited for book 4, and know I'll love it just as much, if not more than the others! I have told all my friends about this series and hope they get on it and start reading!

  156. Amanda - Thanks for your continued support! I'll have to direct Sarah to this thread, she will laugh! And thank you for saying that the characters are becoming a part of your life. I really feel that way too. In fact, I feel they're are so real it's scary and most likely unhealthy, lol. Have a good one girl!

    HUGE thank you for spreading the word!! I can't express thanx enough for that. =)

  157. Hi I have gotten sucked into your Celestra series and have thoroughly enjoyed them

  158. Kaiya - Thank you so much for reading! You have a beautiful name! I'm hoping to have book 4 out in September and am working really hard to make that happen. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as the the others. Stop by anytime!

  159. Please hurry with book 4!!! I've finished the first 3 in the last 2 days!!! Need more!!

  160. megan stanga - I'm writing as fast as I can lol! My suffering laundry can attest to this. I really hope you like book 4 as much as the others! I can't wait to push it out the door. I've already outlined most of book 5 and I'll be working on that in the next few weeks while my freelance editor is making corrections with book 4. Hopefully I'll have a cover and title reveal soon. =) Have a great one!

  161. So happy to see that book 4 is on it's way! Your already working on book 5?! I hope you don't overwork yourself! Your one speedy writer! I don't know how you do it! I'm not gonna rush you along, despite the fact that I can't wait to see what happens! Your already working really hard! I was just checking in today to see if there was any news on the title or cover art and low and behold I found out all kinds of good stuff! I will keep checking back. Take care of yourself Addison!

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. Kristinab23 - Hi! LOL about overworking, I totally agree. I'm trying to find balance right now. I'm so happy to write the day away, it's becoming an addiction. I'm so close to working on the final cover and title of book 4. I honestly think for me the cover is one of the hardest parts of putting a book together, but in a way it's the funnest too. Thank you so much for checking back in with me! Please stop by often! =)

  164. HI, this is Sarah the Editor. LOL, okay, that just sounds snobby. Anyway, I would have totally worked on Addison's book during my honeymoon, but in exchange for my hubby not watching TV (too much), I had to promise not to read (too much).

  165. sarahjoyliteraryagent - Oh Sarah, thou doth slay me.

    I heart you girl! Thanx for stopping by!!! =)

  166. I just finished rereading the books and even though I'm still all about Gage lol, I find that I like Logan a lot more (for not giving up the fight for Skyla); I'm also convinced that Marshall is the only person she can really trust at this point. Needless to say I can't wait to see how this all unfolds in Book 4.

    But there were still a few things that confused me and left me with questions, so I was wondering if you ever considered having a Q&A session/chat, since there appear to so many of us obsessed with this series?

    On a side note: thanks again for steering me in the direction of M. Leighton. I purchased her book Madly... and I'm loving it! Reading it is keeping me from pacing back and forth anxiously as I wait for Book 4 of Celestra lol :)

  167. Amber J. - HI! I'm so happy you enjoyed the books! I'm polishing book 4 now, so hopefully September will be the month it hits the e-shelves. About the Q & A, feel free to ask me anything. I have had several emails and FB messages regarding plot line questions. Mostly I was unable to answer because the answer itself would contain spoilers for future books, but if I'm able to answer I'll happily do so. =) There are a few more revelations in book 4 and I hope that will help too.

    And ~yay!!~ for enjoying M.Leighton's books! She's a great storyteller and has a variety of novels out right now. I'm really glad you're enjoying her work. I'll make sure she sees this thread.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  168. I read the previous post and I just have to ask wether you can answer or not. Is Skyla's mom her biological mom? I believe there is some hinting about that through at least the 3rd book and maybe the 2nd. I know I really questioned it by the 3rd. Anyway I am not really expecting an answer and I am hoping that by throwing it out there it doesn't mess things up for other readers but if you can answer I had to try. lol I know that also wasn't the clearest statement or question but hopefully you know what I mean. lol I really should be in bed. :)

  169. Actually, @Kristinab23, I know a lot of us Celestra readers, including myself, have already come to that same conclusion, so I don't think that counts as a spoiler lol.

    But since you bring that up, I hope it's ok if I piggy back on your post and also ask:

    1. A "treble" seems like some kind of ripple in the time-space continuum, but since only Ellis and Logan have talked about it does that mean it's something only Counts can do?

    2. If the Celestra are told the secrets at 30 -- the age of enlightenment -- and Logan already lived past 30 (I think) in his "first life" does that mean he already knows the secrets?

    3. If Gage can teleport Skyla in Burn, how come he couldn't teleport Skyla out of the underground layer in Ethereal?

    I tried to keep this short, but I think I've failed lol. Any insight would be cool though, thanks so much :)

  170. Kristinab23 + Amber J. - Hi ladies! Guess what? I'm SO thrilled, because I answered three of the four questions in book 4!!!

    Of course that probably doesn't thrill you, but you'll never know how happy I was when I read through the list and discovered I hacked my way through most of those in the story. =)

    The first question about Skyla's mom is answered almost immediately. The treble question and the teleporting issue is tackled midway through-ish. The burning questions about Logan can't be answered only because he has a central part in the overall story arc.

    So there you have it, sadly no answers. Trust me, I'm more mad at me than you are. I really wish I could spill all of book 4's secrets, BUT I do have a title now and soon I'll stop referring to it as book 4. As soon as my cover is tightened up I'll post it. (again more non-news, I know). Yikes!

    I apologize for being super vague! But if it helps I'll give you hints of what's to come; some real info regarding Fems, more info about "Ezrina's layer" and what it is really called, Marshall's true intentions!!! and an ending that demanded I write the opening scene to book 5 immediately. =)

    Feel free to share your thoughts. I'd love to hear them! =)

  171. Ok I read Burn over the weekend and LOVED it!! I was so excited when I turned on my Kindle and saw that it was available to download. I know your books are intended for the YA demographic but I am 37yo and love them! The twists and turns keep coming in this series. Just when I think I have it figured out you go and throw in something that as Chole says "Will totally change things". I was not expecting the ending to Burn and I am so excited to read Book 4. And did I read that right....there will also be a book 5!? Well I will anxiously be awaitng to see how Skyla gets out of this mess. Happy writing!

  172. I looove the plot teasers :)

    I was also somewhat shocked to see the e-mail on my Blackberry showing that the reply to our posts came at 2:13am (I'm on the east coast).
    Knowing that you're up late responding to those of us who are obviously way too into your series lol, makes you even that much more awesome in my book :)

    But I am a little nervous now that you say we still have yet to learn Marshall's true intent (and just when I was really starting to like him *sigh* lol). I guess that also means Sklya won't be able to tell what she's seen or how she's seen it to anyone since no one else can know he's a Sector, and Logan and Gage can't completely be trusted least she still has Ellis (I hope) :(

    I also can't believe I forgot to ask the most obvious questions: How do they plan on explaining to the people of Paragon that the girl that's been dead for a year is back -- alive and well (with Skyla's arm no less lol)? And was Logan the "well-placed" BF Chloe was talking about? And Chloe confessed to slitting Skyla's throat -- how the heck did she do that lol?

    Don't feel bad about about having to be vague, I completely understand; maybe we're just being too greedy, but we can't help it, the books are just that good.
    Wish I could get someone to light drive me several weeks into the future to the Sept. release of Book 4 so I wouldn't have to ask so many questions lol.

    Sorry, lengthy post once again :/
    but hopefully this will be my last one for a while lol.

  173. Keri in ca - If it makes you feel better I'm not in the demographic either. ;) lol! And actually Celestra has been doing well as a crossover novel (I think most YA does).

    Book 5 is already outlined and waiting. I'm sooo happy to get back to the story. It won't be the final book in the series either. I'm trying to let the story arcs play out naturally and for I while I was guessing there would be 6 books but now I'm wondering if there will be seven. Truth is, I'm having far too much fun on Paragon to ever want to leave. But I do know all good things must come to an end. *sigh*

    Thank you SO much for reading my stories. And double thank you for stopping by. Please don't be a stranger. I really do like the company around here and am always happy to answer everyone.

    Have a great day!

  174. Amber J. - Hi Amber! I'm West Coast, but both a night owl and an early bird on occasion. ;) I love responding to comments so please don't worry about lengthy posts or dropping by. Drop by often and the lengthier the post the better. =)

    I can't answer your last question either, but it's tackled early on in chapter one so you won't have to wait too long for explanation to her whereabouts ( or supposed whereabouts).

    And I'm with you, I wish someone would light drive me to September, too. That would mean all edits were over and the book lies happily on e-shelves everywhere.

    Have a super great day!!

  175. I only found this series on Saturday night and I've just finished the 3rd book. My boss definitely wasn't impressed with my attempts at hiding my kindle underneath my desk so I could sneak a few more lines every now and again, this series was that good. I literally could not stop reading. What an ending, I'm dying for the next book to come out. Have you finalised a date yet? I'm so excited that it's not too far away. You're an incredible writer, I really believe in your characters and the way you present them. They're just like real people with real emotions. You've not made a perfect girl, who is always innocent and I love it! You are amazing!!! I can't wait to read more, please let it be early September!!!! Xxx

  176. Kayleigh - Aww! Thank you for reading and I'm so glad you enjoyed them! I love that you were sneaking bits at work! lol! I do hope I didn't get you into any trouble though. Thank you for your nice words regarding my writing. I really feel like I'm still growing as a writer even though I wrote well over a million words before I even started Celestra (not necessarily good ones). Stephen King said the first million were just practice. ;) But in all reality I think I have so much further to go and to learn, that's why I make it a point to read as many craft books as possible and books within my own genre. I think this is the best time to be a writer and (no pun intended) I really want to get it right. ;)

    As far as the release for book 4, I'm hopeful for early September rather than later, myself. We shall see. *crosses finger*

    Have a very good day and please visit again!!!

    Thank you for reading!!!

  177. Have you set a date for book 4 yet? I can't wait for it! i practically bouncing in my seat!!!!!!

  178. Thank you Addison for trying to answer our questions no matter how vague they are lol! There is no reason you should have a problem with witholding information. The fun of reading a story is getting to those answers as the story goes. Even though we bug you for answers I think most of us would be a bit disappointed if you gave them all up ;) I am glad to hear the question I asked will be answered fairly quickly, it has been bugging me lol. I can't wait to see what you come up with for the title and cover. I get really excited to see those! Thanks again Addison!

  179. KajalK - I love that you're bouncing in your seat! That makes me all kinds of happy. =)

    I haven't set a hard date yet partially because Amazon can take up to two days to load the content and Nook can take up to a four or five days. BUT, when it comes really close I'll let you know what day I'm going to push the publish button. And for some strange reason it's always available to mobile users hours before it is to PC or Macs. But it is coming, I promise!

    Thank you SOO much for reading my stories! I really appreciate it!!

    Have a good one! =)

  180. Kristinab23 - You're welcome! I'm hoping the cover will cooperate now that I have the title down. I'd love to put that up for you.

  181. Wow, I really need to check in daily! I missed so much! Addison, I am SO glad you answered (kind of) Kristinab23 & Amber J.'s questions. Those were things I was wondering about too, and happy to know we'll learn the truth soon!

    I know the cover to book 4 will be great, but I'm hoping it's a lot like Tremble and Burn. They are beautiful! Not that Ethereal's cover isn't nice, but the other two really make a statement!

    Lastly, I am even more excited to learn that there will possibly be SEVEN books! That just made my night!!

    I lied when I said lastly, haha, as I have a quick question. As much as I love this series, I am curious to know if there are other projects or ideas you have for another series or stand alone novels? Bye for now!

  182. Hi Amanda! I'm glad I could curb your curiosity, at least vaguely. ;)

    I'm working hard on the cover for the next book right now and I think it will for sure be in the same vein as books 2 and 3. I plan on redoing the cover for Ethereal eventually and adding a few touches to make the series look more like a cover family. I tend to do everything backwards, so this doesn't surprise me.

    As far as other projects, I am working on a new YA PNR series I plan on putting out this fall. I hope to put up a cover for that one early on, perhaps right after the cover for book 4. I also have a ton of old manuscripts lurking on my hard drive that I would love to see up on some e-shelves. I don't know how I'll handle that since a few of them aren't YA. Perhaps add a page to my blog? Or just let them float onto Amazon? I'm still thinking that one through, but I would love to eventually see all of my manuscripts land in the hands of readers. Every writers dream, right?

  183. Addison,

    That's great to hear you have other projects in the works! I'll be the first to purchase anything you write I am sure!

    As for some projects not being YA, I like that... I like YA novels/series, but sometimes reading something with more of an adult twist is nice.

    I think you should write an adult romance series!! Something where the characters are 18+, college age... Not that you need more projects, haha!

  184. Ooooo! Addison, I like Amanda's idea of an adult romance series! You would do FANTASTIC!!

  185. I third that idea! lol

    The way things seem to be going with the Celestra series, I don't think you could make a mistake even if you tried to on purpose lol, so I totally agree with Amanda and Little Miss Priss.

    It would be cool to read about characters like those of us in the 18+ set lol.

  186. Amanda - Thank you Amanda, you're so encouraging! I have a romantic comedy series and those are two of the six I'm thinking about putting up online. I wrote it eons ago, but they're some of my favorite characters and I'd love for them to see the light of day. The other books I have finished are contemporary romance and SO different from my YA I'm still not sure what I'll do with those.

    I would love to do a college series. I've only read one or two books with characters in that age bracket.

  187. Little Miss Priss - Thank you for the encouragement! I was just telling Amanda that I have a few old projects I would really like to see the light of day and I'm hoping to put them out on e-shelves soon. My heart is in YA, but I'd still love those other books to sit on e-shelves somewhere. In other news I'm making great strides with book 4, lol! ;) Celestra is the funnest place for my writer brain to be, but I'm so glad to hear my readers wouldn't mind if I expanded my wings! Thank you! =)

  188. Amber J. - Oh my gosh, you are SO funny!!!! I love what you said. It's not true, I could totally do wrong, lol! The books I'm referring to were written a while back, but I still love them. My brain is buzzing now for a whole new series. College anyone? ;)

  189. I'm so new to the series and I really enjoyed it! I loved the cliffhanger endings and I'm excited to see where it goes from here! I'm so glad amazon added these books to my recommendation list! I read thru all 3 books in less than a week! Its the 1st series I'm buying my sister for her kindle next week!

  190. Addison, I just purchased Ethereal about 2 days ago on Amazon and I absolutely love it! How can I not finish the entire series :) consider me a fan. I'm an avid reader and an aspiring writer. What would your most important advice be to a new writer? Also, who did your cover art? I really like it.

  191. Bckygnzlz - Thank you! I'm soooo glad you're enjoying the series! I'm very honored that you're buying my series for your sister on her new Kindle! That makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, so big thank you for that one! I can't wait to share book 4 with you and of course book 5 since my brain has already gone there. ;) Say hello to your sister for me! And I hope she enjoys!!

  192. ken920 - I hope you enjoy ETHEREAL! My husband and I did the cover art with a little help from our friend photoshop. Covers are the toughest part of the entire process. I feel terrible saying that, but it's so true. Unless of course you pay someone else to do the cover art, then it's the easiest part of the process. ;)

    The most important piece of advice I would give any writer would be read often and widely. Even though it's so important to read within your genre, you should expand your reach and read a little of everything to get the creative juices flowing, and more importantly, to get the cadence and the rhythm of a novel.

    Stop by again and let me know how your writing is going!

  193. Thanks for the great advice Addison :) I sure will let you know how my writing is going. Thanks

  194. Ok I am rereading Burn. My mom just got done reading it and talking with her made me realize that I had to have known the answer to the question I asked. I really should've reread it like I did the other two. I find since I read late at night I will forget stuff unless I reread it. I started reading it again since she got me ramped back up on it again. I can't wait for book 4! Come on Addison! lol J/K No rush. I am excited though! I'm going to try an absorb the details again.

  195. Kristinab23 - no problem! You asked a really good question and I'm always happy to answer. :) book 4 is getting really shiny. I'm just about to send it to my editor. We need to play tag with it at least twice before I put it out there. I really hope you'll like it!

  196. Bckygnzlz - I heart you for that. BTW, I wish it was, too. ;)

  197. The fact I have noticed that yesterday your comments went from 194 to 195 and today to 199 is borderline obsession. Where are you September!?? X
