
Friday, November 11, 2011

NaNo, and non news, and writers, oh my!!!

First, thank you to all the Vets!!!! What an amazing thing you do for us, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you for being our protectors.

I’m really going to try and be a better blogger and put out more than one post every two months, so here’s my best effort. I have some non news, auction news, and some Indelible writer friends I’d love to share with you guys.

NaNo!!! I officially ate it when I received my edits back for VEX, so I’ll have to continue my NaNo efforts another month. DeNo or JaNo, anyone? But, forget about me. How are YOU doing? Please leave me some seriously awesome or not so awesome NaNo news in the comments section. I’d luv to hear an update! 

The non news! Yes, there is such a thing in my world. My ~big~ *epic news has yet to be revealed. I think the universe is trying to teach me a lesson in patience, and I’m failing miserably. But trust me, I have a blog post all ready to go, and I will hit send as soon as the-powers-that-be allow such a miracle.

The celebrity auction! Yes Virginia there really is an auction. I was starting to wonder myself, but lo and behold it’s up and running!!! Only, my CELESTRA necklace hasn’t been added to the list yet. Perhaps they’ve discovered the celebrity part doesn’t quite apply, lol. Turns out they ARE adding the necklace and the signed bookplate (BURN postcard) at some point this month. As soon as it’s added I’ll post the link. =)

And last, but not least, I was so honored to have been welcomed into a great writers group called the Indelibles. Here’s a list of these wonderful writers with a link to their blogs.


Please fill me in on your NaNo stats! I want to cheerlead, cattle prod, whatever it is you need.

Are you a writer? Have a book you want to pimp? A blog? Or simply tell us what an all around wonderful person you are? Please feel free to leave your testament to greatness in my comments section. I’d love to do a little literary matchmaking and connect readers and writers. =)

Are you a reader? Have questions that are VEXing you? I may not be able to answer, but I can try!


  1. I am the editor and publisher of an online magazine called Green Child Magazine ( We are always taking short story submissions as well as doing book reviews for books relevant to our readers.

    Off topic: I love the Celestra series. Love snarky writing and writers (personally not for the magazine). I am Team Marshall. That guy is awesome and my choice person from the series to have a conversation.

  2. We're honored to have you among us! The Indelibles are an amazing, fun group and I love each of you! :)

  3. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm working on more NaNo words later today, but I'm catching up, which makes me happy. :)

  4. Addison! A non-Celestra post! I don't know whether to be excited or disappointed ;)

    Ooo...Amber. Admitting to Team Marshall. That's brave. :D

    Ahh, Nano. I'm a little over 16.5K words and feeling ok about it right now :) The urge to edit is hard to resist. LOL. I LOVE how different I'm able to make my characters given the backstory.

    I've also discovered I am NOT a morning writer even though I have to be up early. Haven't written ONE thing for NaNo yet today.

    NaNo Novel tease: dragons

    I may post other teases on my blog:
    And actually the first few sentences are up on a blog from last friday

  5. Thanks for the mention, Addison. I can't wait to hear your epic news! :)

    I'm not participating in NaNo this year, but hope to use it as motivation to get my next novel written. Has it helped thus far? Um, a smidgen. ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Amber Maxwell- Hi Amber! Your magazine sounds very interesting! I'll be checking it out.

    Thank you for the book love!!! I'm thrilled that you are team Marshall! He's one of my favorite characters to write. I don't know how I'll ever write a book without him.

  7. Thanks for the shout out, Addison!!!! I'm not doing NaNo this year. My kids have too many days off of school to concentrate. Come January, I'll be burning up the keyboard!!! :D


  8. Thanks Addison! I'm doing #nanowake, with a goal of a 1000 words a day on a sequel for Clockwise, which I'm accomplishing so far.

    Here's the info you asked for.

    Clockwise: A teen time traveler accidentally takes her secret crush back in time. Awkward. e-book only .99 on Amazon.

  9. Thank you, Addison! I'm not doing nano this year either because it just didn't fit into my writing/editing schedule of my next two books. (Good luck to all who are!)

  10. Ok, leaving my book info now! #thankyou!!

    Open Minds (Book One of the Mindjack Trilogy) - paranormal/SF YA

    "When everyone reads minds, a secret is a dangerous thing to keep."

  11. TK Knox is the name, Dragon's Venom is the name of my NaNo book. If you like Dragons, Vampires, Were-wolves, and a bit of a Love Triangle, you'll love this book. I'm doing NaNo, though I may have to do the same as you and turn it into DeNo and JaNo...I'm currently at 10.8K words and now baby and I are both sick! So I'll have to take a break for sure.

    My blog:
    Website: Username: TK Knox

  12. On my Nano I have 38,500 words. I think I'm doing well. I excited to get started on editing! I have been doing a little here and there because I'm so excited about it!

    And my story has a little of everything: demons, angels, vampires, ogres, shapeshifters, vampires, and so on.

    I can't wait to share it with the world.

  13. Heather- Oh I'm so thrilled to be a part of such a great team!!~ Leave your book info, girl! =)

  14. Susan Kaye Quinn- I SO wish I was catching up on NaNo! There's nothing as freeing as writing that first draft. Best of luck to you!

  15. Heather- You are kicking butt on NaNo!! And dragons??? Pure awesome.

    As far as editing as you go; I've done it both ways. It's faster to edit latter and just canvas the story with words, but it's also nice to come back to something a little more legible. I've had a few first drafts that read like a drunk toddler got a hold of my keyboard. *sigh* Lots of edits either way.

  16. Angela Carlie - Sometimes the slow road works best. It's always great to let those ideas simmer before pushing them out onto the keyboard. I still think you write fast and well. =)

  17. Megg Jensen- I've always wondered why November for NaNo. I think January (when the holidays are long over) would make much more sense. But then that's probably just the mom in me. I'll join you in January for sure. See you in the cave!

  18. Elle Strauss - You're my time travel kindred spirit. =) What is #nanowake?

  19. G. P. Ching - I guess being a writer qualifies most months as NaNo and the other months for edits. At least that's how it pans out for me. Thank you for dropping by and for the info on your books!

  20. Susan Kaye Quinn - (Sorry forgot to mention above) LOVE the tagline for your book!!! Brilliant and fun.

  21. TK Knox - Oh no! I hope you and baby both feel better soon!!! And I think you are doing awesome with NaNo!!! Did you see Heather (up above) is also NaNoing about dragons?? That is too fun!!!

  22. Heather M White - Well? You are kicking some serious NaNo!!! Your story sounds super exciting. I love that you have a mix of everything. And, yes, I always look forward to edits when I'm writing so I totally know that feeling. Good luck with the rest of your story!! =)

  23. Anyone have some pretty awesome ways of keeping focused? I swear I write less than a handful of pages before I get all ADHD and chase flies around the house. (So maybe not flies, but you get the gist) Suggestions? I completely forgot about NaNo and am trying to get in as a late start, but its a bit challenging to start a new project when you're aching to continue with the one you've been working on.

    btw - whole heartedly agree - Team Marshall!

  24. The Chameleon- I SO know that ADHD feeling all too well! Have you tried write or die? Here's the link if you're interested. It's fun and gets the words flowing. Let me know if you like it.

  25. Ahhh, Nano. It's pretty rough on me. I got sick last weekend, and haven't writing since. Thankfully, I was ahead on my word count when I got sick, so I'm not too far behind. I'm going to be pulling my first ever all-nighter tonight to try to get caught up AND ahead!

    Nano tease: 6 billion people dissapearing.

    I have links to all my stuff is on my blog: Existential Bacon

  26. Okay, am I the only one dying to hear your epic news??? lol NaNo didn't work for me this year. I'm taking a short break from writing before my characters claim me again for Legacy. I'm enjoying living in the real world, while I can. :)

  27. Logan, I hope you're feeling better! There's still plenty of time to NaNo, but besides that, congrats on being above your goal. That's great! And 6 billion people disappearing? I guess that leaves you with 1 billion characters in your story world. That sounds brilliant. All NaNoing aside, have fun with your book!

  28. K.C. King - I SO wish it was time to deliver my epic news. You know what I've discovered? The wheels of epic news move slowly. They grind and squeak, too.

    And as far as living in the real world, I wouldn't know much about that. I'm hoping to discover it soon. Save some real world pie for me!

  29. Write or die ROCKS! Thanks for sharing! It helped me to crank out over 2000 words super quick! Now I'm mentally exhausted! So sad! haha! Can you tell I'm a novice? Got to start somewhere! Thanks buckets for the advice!

    I'm looking forward to Vex! I've been trying to find something good to read while I wait, but it's proving a bit tough. Some books just don't seem as interesting anymore. haha! Good luck! And I'll be eagerly awaiting THAT post :D

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Chameleon,
    I follow @NaNoWordSprints on twitter and that has been a fun way to keep the word count moving.

    Addison: i've been making editing notes as i go so I hink that will help. Over all I'm pretty pleased with the progress and will probably like it more once I get it to editing ;) though, the whole drunk toddler thing may apply tonight as we just finished celebrating a friends birthday with tex-mex, margaritas, and tequila :D

  32. The Chameleon - Oh good I'm glad that helped! And 2K???? You ROCK! Great job!!!

    Your comment about my books melted my heart. SO sweet! And VEX is coming right up... just a couple more weeks. =)

  33. Heather - I'll check out that twitter feed! And lol about being the 'drunk toddler' tonight. I have a feeling your story is up for an unexpected plot twist. 'Drunk toddlers' tend to write that way. ;)

  34. Non-news is better than no news lol.

    And author blogs are my newest addiction so more blog entries/updates/random info would certainly be appreciated. I'm actually still in amazement over how you manage to respond to everyone in the Twitterverse and on FB and here.

    And don't even get me started on NaNo lol. *hides my head shamefully in my hands* :( I can't help editing (and second-guessing everything) as I go. My mother is a perfectionist so I blame her genetic contribution as the reason for my appalling word count. Also, I've had to watch two of my godchildren for two weekends in a it wrong to blame kids for my NaNo failures lol? Honestly, I don't know how you real mothers do it 24/7; kudos to you.

    The only reason I haven't completely given up is because during the first few days of NaNoWriMo I had a very similar experience to what my MC endures in my novel. It was so surreal (and spooky) that I took it as a sign my novel is meant to exist in the world lol. I am in awe of you legit authors; this process is sooo hard.

    NaNo tease: 17-year old boy with grown-man responsibilities loses voice, loses friends, loses hope...but finds love?

  35. Amber J. - That's funny you should mention the strange coincidences between your novel and real life. I find that happening once in a while and it is freaky to say the least, lol. And don't even sweat the NaNo stuff. There's always another another day, another month even. The great thing about NaNo is the fact it kick starts the process, and you've already done that! That's the most important part. =) I think spending time with family is far more exciting, so, enjoy. And BTW, your NaNo tease sounds fantastic!!!

  36. Can't wait for VEX! I just had to say that. I don't feel right unless I express my love of this series to the world.

    I'm team MarshLoGage!!! Who's with me?

    NaNo! I'm 22,000 words in so far and can't help but edit the heck out of everything and second guess everything I thought to be a plot! I smack my forehead several times, stomp through the house, have a sudden epiphany and continue writing. My brain is on overload with ideas and it all gets confusing. But I persevere...

    Nano tease:

    My story involves the underworld/ gods goddesses/ and the Daimones (benevolent and malevolent spirits)

    A goddess commits a crime and is banished from her realm to live as a mortal on earth.

    She's pregnant. No one knew.

    That's a crummy tidbit but the draft is too rough to divulge further.

  37. Mel-B, Thank you so much for expressing your love for the Celestra series. =) I'm spit shining VEX hoping to see my reflection in the pages soon.

    What a great NaNo tease! Your word count is fantastic. And, you're able to edit? Awesome! Keep up the great work!

    And finally I can divulge what team I'm really on. I'm MarshLoGage and have been all along. ;) I so LOVE that!

  38. hey addison - thanks for the shout out!

    My book, Untraceable, comes out nov 29th. It is a contemporary wilderness thriller with a missing person, a kickass heroine, and of course - 2 hot boys :)

  39. So behind on NaNo! :/ But I'm gonna keep trying :) I've got about 10,000 words in. First time writing a novel.

  40. Shelli- Thank you for sharing! Untraceable sounds thrilling!!

  41. Leonor- Don't feel bad about NaNo word counts. The nice thing about NaNo is that it gets you in book writing mode. Keep going at a pace that's comfortable to you and doesn't take over your lifestyle. Word counts are important, but sanity still reigns supreme. ;) Most of all have fun!!!!

  42. Addison, what's your story about becoming an author? I'm curious. Did you have an insatiable lust for books and decided you just had to make your own, or did you go to school for all things literary? I've read a lot of books and your writting is really unique.

    Note for everyone... How do you rid yourselves of your inner editor? I'm constantly telling mine to shove off but she''s persistent.
    --- Celestra News ---
    Marshall = Sexy
    Logan = Flirty
    Gage = Cute

    Marshalogage = Priceless

  43. Sorry I'm so late to the party, but YAY for The Indelibles. :)


  44. I started a new blog chronicling my journey through novel writing. Stop by if you want to post about your own frustrations, experiences and/or triumphs. Maybe we can relate and keep each other in the writing game. This is for authors as well. If you've written a book and want to be a cheerleader or have pep talks for us aspiring authors.

    Addison, I would love for you to join =)


    Opps ... here's the correct web address

  46. Hi Mel! Actually my field of study took me in a whole different direction. I worked as a therapist on a psychiatric unit for 8 years, then when the unit closed decided to try and stay home and manage my family. I ended up having a girl after three boys so that was fun, but the house still looks rather apocalyptical so I didn't do so well managing things, lol. I once lamented to Rachelle, my literary agent, that I felt terrible about not having taken more creative writing classes while I had the chance and she assured me that sometimes life seasons you to be an author in ways that an MFA program never could. So I'll go with that. ;) I've written forever, so my writing never stopped for work or kids, I kept doing it in hopes of getting books out one day, and plus I needed to write just like I needed to breathe. I hope that answers the question! (And on a side note, my literary agent totally supports me being an indie, she's the worlds greatest cheerleader!)

    As far as turning off the internal editor, there's really no way. It's just a matter of telling yourself you will get back to it as soon as you finish the story. If you reread what you wrote, you will probably end up editing. So maybe save the read through until the end?

  47. Karen Amanda Hooper- Hi Karen! You're never late to the party. We've been waiting for you. ;) Thank you so much for hopping over!!

  48. Melissa - That sounds fantastic and I will stop by! Thanks for the info!

  49. I'll take life in lieu of creative writing =) Have no choice at this point in my life. Holy cow to having four kids. I have two boys and live in a fun house and find myself writing a lot on my iphone and transferring it to my writing software! You take what you can get as a mom.

    I'm Mel-B by the way. Changed my label.

  50. Hey Addison - Twitter clip was a little to short for what I wanted to say and it was wigging out so I thought I would post it here. In regards to the cave and needing provisions - it is funny you should post that today because on my way home from school I was thinking about your previous post of using cookies to get through. Which made me think of the holidays coming up and making all kinds of holiday cookies. Then I thought Addison is from Cali and I am from Cali, too bad I am not there now I could make tons of holiday cookies and send them to here to get through all the editing. So instead I sent you my sugar tip I use while studying on twitter. I go for gummy candy because then I am just taking in lots of excess sugar calories instead of sugar and fat. Plus I can eat more with out getting full. I don't know why but when studying, I feel like I need to munch on something and imagine the same might be true for writers. Luckily for me as a reader I don't need anything to munch on. In fact, if book is good enough which yours are, I will often just keep reading through all the stomach growling and pain until it goes away and I can just keep reading. No time to put the book down to get something to eat. Anyway I thought it funny we were both thinking about the same thing today (you needing good provisions for editing) - great minds think a like. Well at least I know your mind is great!

  51. Melissa (Mel), how on earth do you write on your iphone? Please teach me that trick, lol. And yes, life trumps all, always. ;)

  52. Danetra - You're so sweet! I try never to eat cookies at all since my body insists on having an aversion to white flour. But once in a while I throw caution to the wind. The gummies are perfect, and I think I heard myself promise my daughter I'd take her to the movies tomorrow so I will most definitely indulge. I might even buy an extra pack to help get me through next week, my very last week of VEX edits!!!! Can you tell I'm excited? =)

  53. Addison, I'm not sure if that was a serious question about how I write on my phone or not but nonetheless here's my answer:

    I have a novel writing app and I get cramped thumbs. I email tidbits to myself and copy into my program or synch my phone to my itunes and it pulls in the info. I wouldn't recommend it but when the kids don't nap and I'm too tired to stay up late for a real writing session.... I use the phone. The same goes for your books ;)

  54. Mel B- YES for team marshLoGage!! Love it and your NaNo sounds cool! I LOVE mythology and what a great question about Ms. A getting into writing!

    Addison--wait what? last week of VEX edits?! Does that mean no tease next week? :(

    Should i even bother asking what movie or is it the obvious one? ;)

    I'm about to hit the 1/2 way point for word count (25k) and was introduced to a new, unexpected character yesterday--surprise!

  55. Thanks heather!

    Great job on the halfway mark!!! It's such a good feeling.

    Addison, thanks for all of your encouragement. You're always giving advice and pep talks to people on here. It's exciting to connect with one of your favorite authors. Amazing really how you keep up with everyone.

  56. Melissa, It' was a genuine question. =) I think that's a great way to get things done if you have to, or at least take notes! I'll look for that app. And I should be thanking you for all of the encouragement! So thank you!!!! =)

  57. Heather, I have a feeling the movie will be something animated or a comedy, if we go at all. They're falling like flies with coughs and colds around here. So we shall see.

    VEX reaches it's final round of edits this next seven days. After that I have to do a series of read throughs and prep Amazon and B&N with info about the book. Exciting!!! I'm working on the cover a little today as well.

    HUGE congrats on your NaNo word count!!! Keep going. Now that you're in book writing mode let the momentum take you all the way to the end. =) Congrats!

  58. Addison, it's called a novel idea. It good enough for me to sit if a scene comes to me and band out a few hundred words here and there. It adds up! It's the mothers dream.

  59. oops, I think Blogger ate my comment:

    Wait, what?! Marshall and Giselle?
    I know he likes them young, but WOW lol. I may have to slide over to just Team LoGage until I see how this all unfolds in VEX :/

    random question: Will we ever find out what kind of genetic research Skyla's bio mom was working on? (I assume it had something to do with Nephilim DNA, but I might be wrong)

  60. Melissa _ Awesome! I'll have my tech savvy daughter get it for my phone. Yes, my tech support is a 10 year old. =)

  61. Amber J. - I'll be honest, that teasers about Marshall ands Giselle was just an off handed remark. I almost put in a firestorm of a teaser, then chicken out at midnight, lol. *sigh* teasers are tough. =) Please forgive the duplicity involved, lol.

    I'm putting an excerpt of my new series in the back of VEX and all shall be revealed. =) In fact, if I can, I'll try and do a cover release before VEX comes out for the new series. I kid you not, it is a vexing task to find the right cover. Got the title nailed! That's half the battle.

  62. Ok, first up- What is the Nano you keep talking about?!

    I haven't been reading much these past few weeks, as life has gotten in the way (how dare it!)!

    I will share some EXCITING NEWS, we are not telling anyone yet, except family, but I need to share the news with someone- so why not here! I AM PREGNANT! It's still early, about 9 weeks in, but hey, we're excited!

    I do have to share with you though, that if my son was a girl (he's two), his name was going to be Keira, or drum roll please... SKYLA. And NO, I am not sh*tting you! You can facebook my husband! He loves the name Skyla, and when I was reading this series, I told him this characters name... Well, needless to say, if this one is a girl, Skyla is still in the top running!

  63. Amanda! ~*cOnGrAtUlAtIoNs*~!!!! How awesome that there may be a Skyla in your future! You and your husband obviously have great taste in names. =) I have to tell you aside from Celestra I really love the name Skyla, too. I think it's very feminine and sounds pretty when you say it. If it's a boy there's always Logan or Gage. ;) Marshall???

    NaNo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It's when writers lose their minds and try to pump 50K words out of their brains as fast as humanly possible. It's a lot of fun and a lot of torture at the same time. ;)

    HUGE congrats again!!! I'm honored to be in the know!

  64. Fact: I just bought a Kindle Fire.
    (Which I also discovered meant I had to buy a new wireless router to use said Kindle Fire lol)

    Confession: I did this mostly because I've read the last 4 books in the Celestra series hunched over my laptop for hours at a time, which I also had to drag around with me everywhere while I was reading lol, and no matter how much I heart MarshLoGage, there was no way I was going to endure that for VEX (the longest book in the series)

    Confession #2: I just realized what you meant by "all shall be revealed" when I saw you mention your spin-off series in an interview you did last month (which I read on my Kindle web browser -- I love this thing lol)

    So now that I'm officially prepared for the VEX experience, anytime you feel like hitting that Publish button you just go right ahead lol (hopefully before Thanksgiving) =)

  65. Amber J.,

    Fact: You are hysterical.

    Confession#1 I was truly moved and humbled that you read my books hunched over your laptop. Honestly, I'm not worthy of getting a crick in your neck, so BIG thank you for enduring.

    Confession#2 I'm inserting a chapter of my next series in the back of VEX. I really hope you'll enjoy the new journey. I foreshadowed the new series in both WICKED and VEX.

    So now I'm officially prepared to tell you that I should have book 6 in the Celestra series out much sooner than I did VEX, barring anything strange life decides to throw at me.

    BTW, I so enjoyed your format I couldn't resist. ;)

    Enjoy the fire, and, as always, happy reading~!

  66. I'm officially "biting" Nano as well. It was going really good for a while, and I was ahead, but then this little thing called school got in my way. The only thing I'm writing is tons, and tons of essays. I'm going to have an unofficial Nano during December, since I'll be on Christmas break, and will not have school getting in my way. I'm also going to write a lot during Thanksgiving break. Although, if VEX comes out next weekend, that might not be happening! Hahaha!

  67. Logan- Yes, the good thing about NaNowrimo is that we can make it every month if we want to. I'll be writing right there next to you in December.

    I think VEX is going to stay true to its 30th date unless I surprise myself. I'm drinking the edits down to the dregs. It's going to be a busy week for me. The upside of having my book off and on with my editor this month is that it afforded me a little time to write book 6. =)

  68. This is my second year of doing Wrimo and I'm only 2900 words behind which is GREAT! On the downside, I have a ton of essays due next week and it is so hard to stay motivated. Any suggestions? I really want to win this year. I'm fourteen, and I really want to prove to myself that I CAN do it. (plus, my mom's a writer and she won last year. I want to match that) When you don't want to write, what do you do?

  69. P.S my main character's name is Skyla. I think it was a subconcious thing.

  70. Annalise - First, Happy Thanksgiving! Congratulations on your fantastic NaNo progress! In my book you've already won. I think the best part of NaNo is that it helps to kick your novel into gear. So, after you finish your schoolwork just come back to it. Your novel will be fine and you might even be itching to write at that point.

    On days that I can't seem to get my writing mojo going I usually pause and try to think of ten more problems I can give my main character. If that doesn't work I listen to music and workout or go for a walk. And if all else fails I try to take the scene in a new direction. You can always rewrite or delete.

    And I love your MC's name! But then again I am a little partial. ;) Above all enjoy writing your book!

  71. I had a random thought as I was baking pies this afternoon lol: Can Marshall read everyone's mind, except for Skyla and Logan? And if not, who else is immune to Marshall's abilities?

    (I'm just trying to catch up and make sure I have all the info necessary to tackle VEX in a few days lol)

    Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving :)

  72. Amber J. - Happy Thanksgiving! I love your comment. It so warmed my heart that you were thinking of the books while baking pies. I love that. =) I don't have my notes in front of me, but I will do my best. Marshall can speak directly to SKyla, and he has heard Skyla's thoughts before when she bled out her Celestra abilities. He has heard Gage when his mind goes to garbage (inappropriate thoughts). Gah, that was long and drawn out. Sorry, I've had too much pie.
    *off to read VEX yet again* I'm so ready to get it out there. Soon!

  73. Hope you had a fabulous Pie day! I mean Thanksgiving ;)

    I am SUPER stoked for VEX! I've thought about saving it for when I'm on the plane next week but there is now way I'll be able to hold out reading it until Dec 2nd.
    Ahh well. AT least I'm only 5K away from "winning" Nano and will be able to read VEX guilt free--perfect reward if you ask me!

  74. Heather, 5K away? Write, Heather, write!!! *waves pom poms* I'm super excited for you! Let me know when you cross the finish line so I can woo-hoo with you!

    And, yay for reading VEX on your vacay. Too nice of you. And if you decide to read it beforehand I hope you enjoy it either way. VEX is probably long enough to do both. I'm putting a sample chapter of my new series in the back of the book, along with the title reveal of book 6.

  75. WICKED fun (ha! see what I did there?) I will prolly read before vacay though I do have 6 hours on a plane to kill. Once I get to Ireland all reads will be hitting the "for later" shelf.

    And I am officially over 50K WOO HOO! Now I just have to finish writing the darn thing.

  76. Heather! CONGRATS on your NaNo win!!! *YAY!* I hope you'll treat yourself to something nice, but, then, a trip to Ireland sounds like an amazing treat! Congrats on that, too!

    Don't stress about finishing your novel. I always find that after 50K it practically writes itself. ;)

  77. I posted on your facebook page, but I will post here too! I am back! After taking almost 2 months off of reading I AM BACK!! I cannot wait to start Vex!! First up, is Christmas cards tonight, then I will be starting in!

    I do love the names Logan, Gage, and Marshall!

  78. Hi Amanda! It's so nice to have you back. I hope you enjoy reading VEX. I'd love to know your thoughts after. I'm just about through with EXPEL. And I have teasers on my FB for it and my new series as well. Merry Christmas to you and yours! =)
