ETHEREAL is free! Link: FREE!
(From Facebook with love;)
Welcome back to the Tuesday Tease! ETHEREAL is FREE! I’ve never had a free book before so I’m rather excited. If you could give it a shout out or two I would be forever in your debt. :)
I’ve included a few extras because I was late in posting. BTW, Gage is so hard to tease without spoiling storylines. Yikes! Sorry!
Onto the teasers!
EPHEMERAL (The Countenance 1)
*(Laken trying to keep her thoughts from Wesley)
I suppress all thoughts of Cooper and his hyper willingness to accept my beliefs. Trying to keep Cooper down is far more difficult than submerging my family. It’s like trying to bury a pocket of air in the deepest part of the ocean—impossible, irresponsible on some level.
TOXIC (Celestra Series Book 7)
*(Skyla, Gage and Chloe)
“So where were we?” I say to Gage. “Oh, that’s right, you were going to tell me everything.” I blink a quick smile at him as Chloe sits across from us.
“Oh,” Chloe squeals with delight, “I was so hoping I could be privy to this conversation. Go ahead and dish, Gage—tell her everything.” Chloe’s entire face glows at the prospect. “Nothing but the truth.”
*(Skyla listening to Marshall (who by way was very naughty this week in edits)
“I thought I understood love, knew the lay of the land, all of its inroads.” He sighs hard over my head and lands a kiss to my temple. “I knew nothing of it until I met you, Skyla. You’ve redefined love for me. It’s sacred—anointed with the highest regard and blessing.”
I’ve never heard words like that from Marshall. His placating sexuality, his wry wit and humor all gone, nothing but the naked form of a man underneath, declaring his love for me.
*(Skyla and Logan)
I lie down and place my head in his lap, gaze up at his divinely anointed features. “You are a thing of beauty, you know that?” I whisper captivated by Logan. “It was you in the vision I had—the one waiting for me at the end of the aisle. Never Gage.” My stomach tightens at the thought.
Logan sags in defeat, offers a depleted smile as he combs his fingers through my hair. “I won’t deny the fact we’re going to happen.”
*(Skyla with Wesley from EPHEMERAL!!!) yes, this has me excited. ;)
“You may not kiss me. You may never kiss me. I will rip your balls through your asshole and shove them down your throat if you ever even think of doing that again.” I might be moved to renege on my offer to not go ape shit all over his Countenance and really make him resent the fact he didn’t tie me up. Of course, they’d probably skin both Logan and I, because God knows he’d involve himself in any altercation that might include me.
*(Skyla and Gage near Mom and Tad. This is SO not what it seems Or is it? ;)
I seize up. God forbid the contents fly out of the bag like candy from a piñata. Mom and Tad are going to think Gage and I are involved in some heavy hitting sexcapades.
For a minute I envision myself strapped and secured to the four posts of my bed with Gage at the helm wielding a whip. A torrent of fire explodes inside me, and I sway on my heels.
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I'm hoping for a July release of EPHEMERAL and an August release for TOXIC. *hopes* I'll keep you updated!
As always, happy reading~!