(Scroll down for Young Adult)

Contemporary Romance

Someone to Love Series 
(New Adult 17+ Romantic comedy)

Someone to Love (Book 1), Someone Like You (Book 2, January 28, 2014), Someone for Me (July 1, 2014)

3:AM Kisses Series (New Adult 17+ Romantic comedy)

3:AM Kisses (Book 1), Winter Kisses (Book 2, Novella), Sugar Kisses (Book 3), Whiskey Kisses (Book 4), 
Rock Candy Kisses (Book 5), Velvet Kisses (Book 6) 
Wild Kisses (Book 7) Coming soon!  

Beautiful Oblivion Series 17+

Beautiful Oblivion (Book 1), Beautiful Illusions (Book 2), Beautiful Elixir (Book 3) Coming summer 2015! 

Burning Through Gravity (Book 1), A Thousand Starry Nights (Book 2), Fire in an Amber Sky (Book 3) coming soon!

The Solitude of Passion 

Standalone 17+ *I buried my heart in this book. 

New Adult Paranormal Romance. The book after the young adult Celestra Series. 17+

Young Adult Paranormal Romance


This series is complete with 8 books. Book 7 is split in two. Young adult paranormal romance with fantasy elements.

The Celestra Series in order: Ethereal (Celestra Series book 1) FREE! Tremble (Book 2), Burn (Book 3), Wicked (Book 4), Vex (Book 5), Expel (Book 6), Toxic Part One (Book 7), Toxic Part Two (Book 7.5), Elysian (Book 8).

Celestra Extras: 

Ethereal Knights 
(Ethereal rewritten through the eyes of Logan and Gage)

Perfect Love 
(Novella: Select chapters from Elysian through Logan's perspective. New Adult 17+)


This is a young adult paranormal romance with fantasy elements that takes place in the same story world as Celestra, but you do not need to read Celestra to read this trilogy. If you decide you would like to read both series, I would recommend Celestra first. They were written to coincide with Toxic- Elysian.

Ephemeral (Book 1), Evanescent (Book 2), Entropy (Book 3)  

Happy reading!


Anne CB said...

Oh my God! Read Someone to Love, and it was perfect! I so can relate with the story.This was like me and my boyfriend. Gonna read the second one. Sleep first, Haha.

P.S Someone introduced me to the series and I really thank her.

Unknown said...

Need more of Kendall and Cruise! The Solitude of Passion is an amazing book to read. You will go through a lot of different emotions while reading it.

Unknown said...

I loved the beautiful oblivion books I cant wait till the next one I finished each book in 2 days the books are very easy to read and so good I couldn't put them down

My Reads said...

When will the 3rd book the serpentine butterfly be released

Addison Moore said...

Anne Dorothy Buyco - Aw, I love that you loved Kenny and Cruise! Thank you so very much for reading! And thank your friend for me too!! #CruiseEltonFTW XO

amanda ray - Yay! I really had fun with that series! So glad you loved it! And my heart melted that you enjoyed The Solitude of Passion. Thank you for that. It was such a emotionally difficult books to write.

Kaci Hebert - Thank you Kaci!!! I have so much fun developing those storylines because they always have such a twisted edge to them. I hope you'll like the fourth as well! Beautiful Submission (TBA)

Unknown - It's still in edits! I so wish it was soon. I'm still hopeful for fall.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for The Serpentine Butterfly! I feel like I've been waiting forever. Addison Moore your books are amazing!

Addison Moore said...

Unknown - Thank you for the kind words! And I'm so anxious to get The Serpentine Butterfly to you! :) So soon!

Unknown said...

Really can't wait for the last of the celestra series it's amazing I keep checking when it's coming out I have read all these books at least 4 times each your an amazing author

Unknown said...

When is the next celestra ever after book coming out? What a cliff hanger literally

Eve said...


just wanted to say what you already know and heard from many of your readers (a little more reassurance never hurts, right?), your books are amazing! I am also looking forward to The Serpentine Butterfly. I came across Ethereal while looking for a quick, refreshing read from Amazon's free books list. I got sucked into the world you created very quickly. Since then, I've read most of your books, and I cannot even tell which series are my favorite, because all of them are that crazy good! So, thank you for writing and sharing.

Lynda said...

I really enjoyed reading all of your books, from the Celestia Series, every book was amazingly written and can't wait until The Serpentine Butterfly! You are amazing writer

Unknown said...

When does the Serpentine Butterfly come out I am in love with these books and I want to finish reading them

Unknown said...

When does the Serpentine Butterfly come out I am in love with these books and I want to finish reading them

Addison Moore said...

Amy Marshall - Oh my goodness! I'm blown away by the number of times you've read them! I love you for that! I'm so humbled. Thank you for that. I'm pretty close to releasing The Serpentine Butterfly. It's mammoth so my editor is taking extra care in combing over it. I hope you'll love all that transpires. A LOT happens! Enjoy your stay on the island! XO

Addison Moore said...

Jennifer Irvine - Yes it was, lol! The Serpentine Butterfly should be out shortly (finally!). It's at the very end stage of edits. My editor and I are reading through it like mad. It's a very long book but a lot of interesting things happen. I hope it's all you want it to be! I'll give a two week heads up as far as when it will be out! Happy reading! Keep a look out for announcements. It will be out fairly soon! XO

Addison Moore said...

Eve - Wow, I just cannot thank you enough for those encouraging words! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm so thrilled you're having fun with the books. And another huge thank you for putting a huge smile on my face. You really warmed my heart. XOXO

Addison Moore said...

Unknown - Thank you! I really do appreciate you taking the time to share how you feel. I'm thrilled to pieces that you're enjoying the books! :)

Addison Moore said...

Drea Harter - Hi Drea! First, thank you so much for reading the books! I'm happy that you're having fun with them! The Serpentine Butterfly is almost ready to be pushed out the door. It's a very long beast of a book so even a simple read through and edit are taking a bit but it's coming to a close. I'll announce a release date soon! I hope you enjoy your next stay on Paragon! Thank you again for reading! XO

TeacherJ said...

Burning through gravity.... book 1 and 2 are amazing! Thank you for writing these beautiful stories! I really look forward to reading book 3!

TeacherJ said...

Burning through gravity.... book 1 and 2 are amazing! Thank you for writing these beautiful stories! I really look forward to reading book 3!

Unknown said...

I just finished reading dragon and the rose....I'm dying over here!!!! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for the serpentine butterfly. I can't wait!!!

Addison Moore said...

Nita Lutchman - Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed them! I really poured my heart into that world. I have so much fun there. I hope you enjoy Lincoln's story, too! Happy reading!

Addison Moore said...

MsTgraves - It's with my editor but it's almost back in my hands! This might be the last pass through between my editor and me, so I'm very excited!!!! It will take me some time to do a final read through because the book is gargantuan but then it will be all yours!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

When is country kisses coming out? I love all the 3am kisses book and I can't wait to read about Cassidy and Cade

Unknown said...

When is book 3 of celestra ever after coming out.??

Unknown said...

Country kisses 3:am #8 needs to come out already! I can't wait! I read through them all so fast I just want more. I love every single story and how they all link together in some way. Amazing job Addison!

Unknown said...

I have read the whole series of 3AM kisses in a month I loved them and can not wait for the next book I'm currently on pause ... Nice Job with these stories I can't put them down I even burnt dinner..lol..Nettie Ferreyra

Unknown said...

Originally I came here to see how long until the serpentine butterfly comes out but as I can see you will let us know. I figured while I was here I could tell you how amazing your writting is, I love books, reading is my absolute favourite thing to do and your books are all incredible. You have such a beautiful creative mind and your stories are all absolutely amazing please never stop writing and I will never stop reading. Tammy

Addison Moore said...

shae walker - Hi Shae! Country Kisses is already in it's editing stage. Let's just say Cassidy and Cade are HAWT!!! It should be released in early to mid April! Look for preorders soon! Happy reading!

Addison Moore said...

Bobbie Prosser - I have it again finally! It was with my editor so long and now the ball is in my court! It's time for me to do one last polish! I suspect I'll have big news by the end of next week.

Addison Moore said...

Unknown - Country Kisses is on its way in April! It's a super steamy one, and Cassidy is a riot. I can't wait to share! Thank you SO much for reading! XOXO

Addison Moore said...

Nettie Ferreyra - lol! I love it! I've burnt dinner on so many occasions because of my characters I can totally relate! Thank you so very much for reading! I'm thrilled to pieces you're enjoying the books! XOXO <3

Addison Moore said...

Tammy Johnson - Aw thank you for your super kind and super uplifting words! I'm so happy you're having fun with the books! Yes, The Serpentine Butterfly is in my hands again. Yay!!! This will be out quickly!! It's all on me now! Happy reading! It's going to be a long stay on Paragon!

Unknown said...

Can't wait for the next Celestra book! Keep up the good writing! 💜💜
Currently reading the series for the 5th time... just can't stay away from Skyla, Logan, Gage, Marshall, and the whole gang!
-Bridget Lobenthal

leelee97 said...

So excited for serpentine butterfly <3 read all the books in about three days. I'm a speed reader lol but by far one of my favorite series

julie said...

Can't wait for serpentine butterfly. These are the best books I have read, ever they keep you in suspense, as well as make me smile and almost cry, just what I like I books.I can't put the books down, I might have to go start from the beginningagain while I wait for the serpentine butterfly,way to go addison.keep writing and I will keep reading.

Hopefulmeg said...

Love your books. I have read almost all of them since I discovered the Celestra series last year, which I have also re-read. Marshall and Logan are so my favorite characters! It is so rare to see characters written so real and yet so funny. I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Serpenine Butterfly.

rergle27 said...

My wife and I have read several of these series, when will the next 3am kisses be available?

Addison Moore said...

rergle27 - Hello and thank you for reading! Yes, Country Kisses will be out in May! It's scheduled for the end of the month but that date might move up if edits end early. There is a pre-order available for Country Kisses at all ebook vendors! I think that's fab both you and your wife are enjoying the books together! Happy reading!

Unknown said...

Hi Addison! I love your books! I've read all the celestra, 3am, burning through gravity and beautiful oblivion books. I was wondering if Echo of a glass moon is coming out anytime soon? I look forward to all your upcoming releases! Thanks and have a great day!

Unknown said...

Why can I not find kindle editions of the 3 AM Kisses series?

Unknown said...

^ I would like to know why too. I can not finish reading the series now.

Addison Moore said...

Leslie Roark, Trisha Warr-Mayeda Hi ladies! The Kindle editions will be out for a couple more weeks (or less) but will be restored. In the meantime if you'd like to read further in the series all ebooks are available at Nook, Smashwords, iBooks, Kobo, and Google. Sorry for the frustration! Thank you for reading and happy reading! XOXO

Unknown said...

Just finished Country Kisses. Loved it! When will Forbidden Kisses be released?

Unknown said...

When is crown of ashes due for release can't wait for my next hit :) amazingly written and highly addictive series this has become one of my favourites :) keep up the good work 💖 love logan and Marshall can't wait for their stories to come about with skyla and the destined kids if destiny is going to still happen.... hope it does... 3 lines 2 possible dominions come about 😆 x

Unknown said...

Waited forever for Serpentine Butterfly to arrive, and now I've finished it!! Can't wait for the next book! Please tell me it will be here faster than this last one!!! Love these books!!!! ������

Unknown said...

has the 4th book of Burning Through Gravity (Echo of the Glass Moon) comes out? I'm sooooo in love with those Lionhearts & Cannons. I hope there will be books on Carson & Luke as well

Unknown said...

The countenance trilogy won't let me purchase on kindle. :( I enjoyed the celestra series and can't wait for the countenance to become available again.

Claire Cannon said...

More... More, more, more of all of your books, keep 'em coming Addison.. Every book takes you straight into their worlds, I can't thank you enough for the talent you have shared with all of us...The way you write, it lets me disappear into another world, esp when things get tough in this one, it's my "me time", I love curling up & reading your books
We all need more of what you've got �� Pretty please with sugar on top ������

Addison Moore said...

Nina Martinez - Gah! Sorry! It's out and so is Dirty Kisses. Stolen Kisses releases Oct, 25th and Lucky Kisses will be available for preorder soon! XOXOXO Thank you for reading! So sorry I'm late to the party! Please visit me on FB. I'm a bit easier to catch there! I love chatting!

Vicky Aston - Thank you so much for the kind words Vicky! I'm on Paragon now writing Crown of Ashes. Paragon is always such a labor of love. I never want to leave that island. I think that's why the books just get bigger and bigger. I'm hoping this book will be out early in the new year. CoA has a sharp twist. ;) XO

Jessica S - I'm on Paragon as we speak! I'm shooting for early in the new year for a release. I really do like to hang out on that island as long as I can. I think that's why the books take so long in-between. I can't thank you enough for reading Celestra! <3

Ashley Ash - I'm penning Echo of a Glass Moon now. I'm with Cash and Kinsley and they're proving to be a lot of fun, especially since they can't stand one another. ;) The book should be released around March or hopefully sooner. I'm glad you're enjoying the series. I'd love to give Luke and Carson a book too! XOXO

Annastasia Rodgers - It's available! I hope you've spotted it in the wild by now. Let me know if you still have difficulty! Happy reading! Have fun with Laken!

Claire Cannon - Claire! I cannot begin to tell you how much your words mean to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to let me know how you feel. Your words brought more than a smile to my face. You have both humbled and thrilled me to pieces. Thank you so much for that. (hugs). XOXO

Unknown said...

when will Crown of Ashes be released?

Addison Moore said...

Sameh El Tawil - Hi Sameh! I'm about halfway through with the novel so it still has a bit to go but I should be in edits by the end of the year. Celestra always takes a bit because the books tend to run longer. I'm enjoying my time on Paragon though! And I'm hoping once Crown of Ashes is released you will too! Thank you for reading! XO I hope that was a good answer!

Unknown said...

Could you please advise when Beautiful Submission will release, love this series. Thank you

Unknown said...

Thank you, love the series. Can't wait.

Unknown said...

Addison you books are amazing, just to bad here in South Africa most of our book stores don't sell hard copies, I have only seen you books in ebook form... it's a shame I prefer a hard copy

Unknown said...

I was wondering when burning through gravity series was going to be continued as well as the beautiful elixir series I really love the characters and I feel like cliffhanger that's the worst place to be in a book series I hate it I love the characters and I don't want to see them go

Unknown said...

I was just wondering if you had a release date for the next book in the Celestra series.. I only found the books this past summer and I read all of them (couldn't put them down!) in the matter of a month and a half.. loved every one! I can't wait to see what Skylar has up her sleeve that involves Chloe. The suspense is killing me!

Alicia said...

Hi Addison!
The Celestra Series is the most intriguing and captivating book series I have ever had the pleasure to read. Anxiously awaiting the release of Crown of Ashes �� I can't wait to see what Skyla and Chloe are up to. I feel like I know them, lol. Keep up the amazing work. Thank you for letting us into Paragon!

Eve said...

Hi Addison! I've been waiting and waiting for the CoA's release. You said it would be early in 2017, any tentative date yet? thanks! I love Celestra's world :)

..jayde.. said...

Hello. I'm from south Africa and I was wondering if I could find your books in stores? I have read book one and two of your celestra series and I'm addicted beyond!

Linda said...

Hi Addison! I just finished binge reading the Celestra and Countenance series which were awesome! I am wondering how many books are you planning in the Celestra Forever After series?

K said...

When is Red Hot Kisses being released?

Unknown said...

Hi Addison! When might the Celestra series be made into audio books...? I’ve read the kindle version but I’m dying to listen to them! Cheers, Flossy

Jenny said...

Hi Addison, I have read the 3 books burn through gravity series several times. When is echo of a glass moon coming, I am waiting with baited breath for it. Jenny

Unknown said...

Please tell me there is another book coming after COA!?!? OMG I fell in love with the whole celestra series!! I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with my life now!! Lol

Jessica C said...

Please tell me Echo of a Glass Moon will be out very soon. Love these books as well as the 3 A.M. Kisses series.