Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday Tease + Giveaway!

Happy Tuesday! Thanksgiving is upon us and I want to do just that—I want to thank you all for your awesome support and give you one more 'End of the Year Giveaway!' Included in the giveaway is one Kindle Voyage, one $20.00 Amazon gift-card, one signed copy of Someone to Love, one signed copy of The Dragon and the Rose, and the beautiful bracelet Marshall designed for Skyla. (Pictured on the bottom of this post!)

And if you haven't already, check out Celestra on the IF List! Cast your own characters and have fun with it! LINK

The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After #2)
(Skyla with her man)
“Does that feel good?” His eyes shine like the sun piercing through crystal as that devilish grin I love so much blooms on his lips.
     “It feels like someone knows what he’s doing.” I sink his head down over my belly again and groan into the warm pool of his mouth. He rumbles a dull laugh over my stomach, rattling his elation straight to my bones as his heated kisses track to my hip then steadily lower.

(The bracelet Marshall designed for Skyla!)

*Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!! Eat lots of pie!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Tuesday Tease

Happy Tuesday all!

It's launch week for the INFERNO anthology! Some like it hot, and if that's you then you won't want to miss this one. 10 full length steamy romance reads all for one low price! If you need something to snuggle up with to keep warm, I promise this is it. This boxed set will just be around for a few weeks so be sure to pick it up! Buy link: Here! (I'll post other links as they become available!)

Book news! The Dragon and the Rose is officially out of my hands! Yay! *throws confetti* *passes out* I'm hoping to have it back in a week or so and wrapped up with a neat shiny red bow for you all by Christmas. Buckle your seat belts! You're in for a bumpy ride.

Rock Candy Kisses! I'm nearing the end and I should have that sent out to the betas soon after they give me back The Dragon and the Rose. I'll start teasers next week. I'm really in love with Annie's story. As much as she's a sweetie, her bad boy BF Blake really is, too. Can't wait to share that one with you.

On to the teaser! 

The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After #2)
* (Skyla talking to Laken)
     “Bitchy?” Laken’s eyes enliven with fire. “I think that’s what you need in your life, Skyla. A real bitch who doesn’t back down or agree with you on every little thing. Maybe your trouble is that you have too many yes people—people who simply don’t care to push you. And no, that wasn’t a put down on sweet, ditzy Brielle. I couldn’t care less that she thinks I’m trying to usurp her BFF status.” She blinks a dry smile. “What you need is a real friend. Someone who’ll wake you up and make you take action when it’s necessary. I’m a doer not a dreamer. You’re damn right that those tunnels are going to get shut down even if I have to do it myself.” She spins to leave. I go to yank her back by the jacket and accidently grasp a handful of hair instead.
     “Ow!” she yelps.
     Good God, Laken looks as if she’s going to kick some Celestra ass—mine to be exact. 
Her eyes widen. “Well look who grew a pair?”

*Enjoy your week!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tis the season, of anthologies!

Happy Friday! 

Here are few cover reveals of three different anthologies I'm participating in this season. Hope you'll enjoy them!

(This one includes Ethereal) Pre-order here. Release date 12/16/14

FUSION: Nine outstanding fantasy stories merged together to create a bestselling reaction. 
An anthology designed for readers of fantasy . . . Paranormal, urban/contemporary fantasy, science fiction and dystopian fused together in one epic fantasy bundle. Make your way through fire and ice, love, and hate as NINE International Bestselling Authors come together to spin their tales of magic and destruction. 

INFERNO! This one is going to be hot, hot, hotttt!!! 3:AM Kisses is included. Tons of awesome free full length romance novels available November 17th. I'll update with buy links as soon as they become available.

Includes Kailin Gow Liv MorrisLaurelin Paige Cassia Leo Addison Moore Vi KeelandKimberly Knight Aleatha Romig Jessica Sorensen Lacey Weatherford (sorry if I missed anyone!)

And of course a little something just for the holidays!

Christmas Lites IV: I've included a brand new short story: THE SECRET HOURS (Contemporary romance)

Love this one!! Christmas Lites IV is coming! I've participated the last few years and all proceeds go to a charity that helps fight domestic violence against women. I have a short story (chapter one) of a brand new story The Secret Hours. The anthology has something for everyone with just about every genre and every story is centered in some way around Christmas. Oh joy!! This will be available in just a few weeks and I'll update with all the appropriate links! It's such a cute cover. This will be available in paperback as well! 

I can't wait to share them all with you! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Tuesday Tease!

It's Tuesday! I hope your week is off to a great start! I had a blast at the San Diego Author Event this last Saturday. A HUGE thank you to all who came out. It was so much fun chatting with everyone. It's official readers, bloggers, and authors are the nicest people on the planet. Right? Right! 

Strange but true news! Amazon is sending a film crew to my (very messy) house today! *cries a little* But seriously I'm SUPER excited to have the opportunity to tape a "meet the author" segment. I'll let you know when it goes live on KDP's YouTube channel. Here's hoping I can string a few sentences together. I've busied myself by cleaning and scrubbing, bleaching and hiding everything I own. The house actually looks like a bald version of itself—like we've been robbed by the cleaning fairy. But I digress. I bought a box of chocolate to share with the crew so already I think we're off to a great start. I'll let you know how it goes. I'll try to document the entire event on instagram. I'm sure the people from Amazon will love me taking tiny little breaks every few minutes. But, hey, it will make things interesting right? Taping is 2 pm to 6 pacific. Instagram link. (authorAddisonMoore)

The Dragon and the Rose news! Guess what? It's all done. I'm on my final read through (which I swear I'm finishing Thursday). Then it goes to my betas and my editor. It usually takes a few weeks from that point. This books is rather lengthy. I totally blame Skyla for that. I hope that's a good thing. More time on the island, right? 

On to the teasers!


The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After #2)
* (Skyla talking to Emily at the Landon dinner table)
Skyla gives an indignant huff. “You better watch it Em”—she snips playfully—“there are some things that belong to me that I will never share—my husband happens to be one of them.”
Emily’s face hardens to flint. Her features bleed dry as she gives that eerie glassy expression that only Emily Morgan can.
“People are the most slippery when you’re trying to keep them from the rest of the world. Hold on a little tighter, Skyla, and see where he ends up.”
The room falls silent. Ethan leaves the table.  
Skyla leans forward, clutching at her dinner knife as if she’s about to put it to use.
“He’ll end up with me, Em.” She twirls the blade in her hand like a baton. “Just try to tell me anything different.”
The baby starts to wail.
No one says a word.   

Monday, November 3, 2014

It's the Tuesday Tease!

It's Tuesday! I hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween! It was a blast but I'm so ready for all things Christmas! *and turkey, too. ;)*

It's the last week that the Someone to Love series paperbacks are half off! There is still plenty of time to order before the holidays. But hurry! Sale ends November 6th! 

Book news! The Dragon and the Rose is on track to hit my editor's desk by this weekend! We are cruising along! The book itself is longer than Celestra Forever After. I hope you're looking forward to a nice long adventure back on the island!

On to the teaser! (click the cover to add to Goodreads!)

The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After 2)

(Skyla talking to Giselle on Christmas Eve at the Olivers)

     I crane my neck and gasp. A row of three tiny aqua bags line the underbelly of the tree where the nativity would sit at the Landon house—the word Tiffany’s emblazoned proudly on the front.
     “Dear God up in heaven! Yes, please,” I whisper back.
     Crap. I can feel myself getting hot over the pricey little packages.
     “Who do you think they’re from?” I ask as covert as possible.
     “Santa.” Her shoulders ride to her ears with excitement. “And my mom. Santa is very busy this time of year. He dropped some presents off early so she could help wrap them.” She wrinkles her nose and giggles. “Isn’t that the greatest? Santa has already been to my house!”
     Wow. Emerson Kragger would probably beg me to stick a thousand little pine needles in her eyes if she knew how adorably innocent Giselle is being while running around with her hardcore Goth body. Not that Giselle is hardcore, and she’s certainly not Goth. I’d roll my eyes at Emma for keeping up the Santa farce, but, in all fairness, Giselle never had that bit of Christmas magic when she was little.

Enjoy the week! :)