Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Tuesday Tease

It's Tuesday (and it totally doesn't feel like it, thank you Christmas) I called Monday, Sunday twice. But timewarp aside, we've arrived! 
    Thank you all sooo much for continuing to support The Dragon and the Rose! I've received dozens of emails and Facebook messages about the book, and I wanted to thank all of you for keeping your reviews spoiler free! I really can't thank you enough for that! I'll try to work extra hard to get The Serpentine Butterfly (Celestra Forever After 3) out early to you. So much more is still to happen on that crazy island. (The paperback should be available today or tomorrow. It's still aggregating into the system. I'll update when it goes live).

Buy links:
Google Play http://hyperurl.co/y0d3bz

Also newly in paperback. Click on the cover for links: (the rest are on their way!)

On with the teaser: 

Rock Candy Kisses (3:AM Kisses 5) *Annie's story! Yay!

*release date is officially slated for Valentine's Day—or sooner if I can swing it.

Blake's point of view, chasing down Annie outside of the Black Bear after his band played.

“Hey"—I pant—"did I do something wrong?” She doesn’t look up, just keeps texting a mile a minute. “I mean, I did sort of save your life today. I would think that would at least warrant a thank you.” A sheepish smile takes over my face. I don’t really want or need a thank you. And if that’s the best I’ve got I’m f*cked. Half the girls in there were throwing their underwear at me and this one won’t acknowledge my existence—ironic since she’s the only one I’d gladly take a pair of panties from.
She flashes her phone at me. Her face glows from the light, perfect and beautiful like an angel, and I don’t want to take my eyes off hers. Reluctantly I glance at the phone.
Thank you for helping me out this morning. I’m sorry if I seemed rude. I was a little thrown off. My name is Annie, and I’m deaf.

The smile glides off my face without meaning to. She swallows hard with a slight look of hurt as she tries to head back into the bar.

***I'm so super excited to bring Annie's story to you at last. I hope you'll fall in love with her and Blake as much as I have. 

Have a great rest of the week and have a safe and Happy New Year!!!  

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Tuesday Tease!

Happy Tuesday (and Holidays) to all! It's only a few more sleeps before Christmas! I hope you're all caught up and are ready to relax with some eggnog. I'm almost done. (YAY!)

First, thank you SO much to all who supported the release of The Dragon and the Rose! It's available at most e-book retailers, so if you haven't had a chance to pick up a copy, tickets to the island are still available. ;) Paperbacks should be up in a few days.

The Dragon and the Rose

And the end of the year giveaway is finally over! Congrats to all the winners. I'll contact you individually! 

Here's an excerpt from The Dragon and the Rose

I'll start with fresh teasers at the start of the New Year! 

The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After 2)

From the prologue: 

The wicked world—it aches for a touch of the majestic. A new king rises—his kingdom all too eager to serve. He revels in the glory as the crown slips slowly from his head. And as the thorns of truth press in around him, he’ll discover what destiny has known all along—perhaps, sometimes, some people are simply better off dead.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

I hope Santa brings it all!!!! 

Happy Holidays to each and every one of you! XOXOX 

Friday, December 19, 2014

The Dragon and the Rose is LIVE!!!!!

It's finally here! The next ferry to Paragon has arrived! Enjoy your time on the island. 

Happy reading!


The Dragon and the Rose

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Tuesday Tease!

Happy Tuesday!  Christmas is inching closer as we speak! Ack! I hope you're all caught up in whatever it is you need to do, be it shopping, wrapping, baking or corporate takeovers. It's a season of joy—and, well, lots and lots of coffee.

The Dragon and the Rose releases in 3 days!!!!! This Friday, get ready to hop on a ferry to Paragon and hang out with Skyla and the boys. This is a rough, emotional, scary, fun as hell ride. Buckle up kids! It's going to get bumpy.

Other book news: Rock Candy Kisses is in the editing phase. Yay! I can hardly wait to share Annie's story with you. I'm combing through it, so hopefully soon after the holidays I can get it to my editor and betas.

And there's still time to enter the end of the year giveaway! Go quick, enter, and share!!!

On to the teaser!

An excerpt from the prologue:

The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After 2)

The rose—forever trapped in a bed of thorns—tires endlessly to unfurl its beauty. It strains its fragile neck to the sky, twisting, yearning for the warmth of the sun’s love. It is my husband’s affection that I long to bathe in—his unending love, infinite and eternal. The mighty flame of love we share burns brighter than the sun. It is only my lover that can set me free from this cage of thorns. But our bond of trust, the golden thread that weaves our souls together, has broken. His deception, his horrible truths have become a grievous, incurable wound. This cunning life he chooses is the poison at the bottom of the well.

*I'm SOOO very excited to finally get this book to you! Please no spoilers anywhere, especially in reviews. :) I very much appreciate that! 
I hope you love, love, LOVE it! XOXOX