Sunday, April 10, 2011

Putting on the polish

Book 2

I've been super busy spit shining book number two in the Celestra series. It's looking like the end of April--May-ish. I'm really excited to get it out there. I've been blown away by the response to book one, Ethereal. As soon as I get the cover for book 2 I'll upload it for the world to see.  


L. j. Charles said...

Hi, Addison.

I just finished Ethereal and really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the next book in your series. I posted a quick review and 5 stars on

I just published my first YA novel, Lifethread, on Amazon and B & N, and I'm wondering how you're promoting your work. I found it on the kindle forum, but so far I haven't picked up any sales from there. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Addison Moore said...

I'll email you, but it's really just facebook and the amazon forums. =) I can't wait to check out your book!

Suzy Turner said...

Hi Addison!
Your book looks great. I presume it's available on amazon, as an ebook?? I'm hoping to get a kindle very soon and I'll like to buy it if that is the case!

Addison Moore said...

Hi Suzy,

Yes, it's in the process of conversion to other e-readers and will be available near the beginning of May for Nook and ibookstore and a whole host of others. =) Happy reading!

Unknown said...

Do you have a release date yet?? Can't wait to read book 2!!

Addison Moore said...

Hi Mary!

It's looking like the very end of April or the beginning weeks of May. It's in the late editorial stage. And, it looks like in addition to putting up book two I'll get to put up the cover for book three as well. I'm super excited about that!

Unknown said...

Just finished book 1! It was great.... can't wait for book 2 do you have a specific release date yet?

Bookluvr Mindy said...

I received a recommend of your book from someone on goodreads. Sounds pretty good! I'm adding it to my read list! :) And, I "Like" your facebook page. My facebook fan page is Magical Urban Fantasy Reads.

I'm a new follower! Check out my blog at

Bookluvr Mindy said...

I also added you as a Fan on Goodreads!
Oh! Are you on twitter? If you are, send me an @ message and I will follow you on twitter as well. I'm @bookluvrmindy on twitter

Addison Moore said...

Mindy, Just put in all the follows I could! Awesome that you're going to read Ethereal. Happy reading!

Vicki Keire said...

Just finished your book last night- in one sitting! I really enjoyed it. The writing is excellent. There are a lot of great Indie reads making their debuts lately, but I really thought yours was outstanding. I write about Nephilim too (Gifts of the Blood) and I thought your treatment of the subject was pitch-perfect. Just wanted to say hi from one Indie writer to another. Good luck, awesome book, and welcome to the community!
Vicki Keire

Addison Moore said...

Oh hi Vicki! I'm hopping over to check out your blog now. I LOVE the cover of Gifts of Blood.

Vicki Keire said...

Thanks! Your cover's pretty awesome too! But so's the book inside it :)

Jessica Nelson said...

Exciting! Love the look of this blog too. Is there an excerpt somewhere I can read?

Loree Huebner said...

Love it! You go girl!

Courtney Cole said...

Hi Addison,
I just downloaded your book the other day and started to read it. I love it so far.
I'm also a YA Paranormal author (newly released the other day) and was wondering if you'd like to do some cross-promotion? Maybe we could swap reviews for our blogs or do author interviews? Just a thought. I love meeting other YA writers! :) My email is if you'd like to contact me about that. Have a great weekend!

Addison Moore said...

Hi Courtney, I'll email you.

Toyin O. said...

Congrats on getting your book out:)

Addison Moore said...

Thanx Toyin!

Sabrina said...

I am in the middle of reading your book. I am lovin' it thus far and can't wait for Book 2. I hope it is available for the Kindle since that is what I use. Keep up the great work.

Addison Moore said...

Sabrina, it will be available for Kindle as soon as I get it back from my editor. =) I'll be posting covers for book two and three at the same time up o my blog soon. Thank you for your kind words and happy reading!

Kes said...

I absolutely loved the first book. I am so excited for the second book to be released I will be searching the kindle for it every few days. I cannot wait to find out what happens to everyone! I have read many books paranormal or not this is by far my favorite book!

Addison Moore said...

Thank you! I'm itching to release the cover. I'm hoping the cover can go up next week.

Ms. H said...

Just finished book 1. I found myself laughing a lot at certain points. Love it..can't wait for book 2 ^^!

Addison Moore said...

Huetran, I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you.

Daisy said...

Hi Addison,
I love your book so much that I read it twice already and might read it one more time before the release of book 2. Can't wait to read it though, i'm so excited. Keep up the good work!

Addison Moore said...

Daisy, You made my whole day. Thank you!

Addison Moore said...

Elizabeth, (From way up above in the comments) I don't have an official release date, but we are very close to take off. =)