Welcome back to the Tuesday Tease~! TOXIC Part One released a little earlier than expected!

What happened, right? Well, sometimes babies arrive early
and I guess in this case book-babies are no different.
When I uploaded EPHEMERAL I uploaded 3 days in advance for
Barnes and Noble and two days in advance at Amazon, and they both ended up loading
late. SO, trying to circumvent that from happening, I loaded both books even
earlier, 4 days out for B&N and 3 days out for Amazon. Well, Amazon loaded
in just over an hour. Go figure, right? B&N also loaded shortly thereafter.
I guess it’s better early than late. So there’s that.
News! I’m on track with edits for TOXIC Part Two and should
have them back for a final review to my editor next Monday. *squeals*
*TOXIC Part Two is a fun, freak-fest, and the ending… well,
it’s heart-stopping in nature. But that’s just my humble opinion. ;)
News: Ezrina MacHatter speaks! That’s right , our hack
attack princess gets her very own POV. I hope you’ll join me in traveling back
to 1692 and seeing the world through Ezrina’s warped lenses. I’ll be sharing a
scene from Ezrina’s yet untitled book from a chapter called, The Season of The
Witch. It’ll be up on a friend’s blog sometime this month and I’ll give you the
link once it comes out.
Questionable News: (LOL) Christmas story! Will it be out in
time for the holidays? I hope so, but I wouldn’t count after the New Year out
of the running either. I’m going to try super hard to push SOMEONE TO LOVE out
in time for the holidays since there is a touch of Christmas in it. (This isn’t
my adult romance. That one is safely nestled on my editor’s desk.) SOMEONE TO
LOVE is not quite a warm and fuzzy delight as it is a lusty romp of a
ride—reader beware. This is not young adult. ;)
I’ll be giving an extended preview of SOMEONE TO LOVE next
week, with or without a cover. I cannot wait to share this new book with you~!
On to the teasers!
Here’s the preface to TOXIC Part One:
Love can play host
to rich delusions. It stifles reality and skews the truth to meet our
insatiable desire to be wanted, longed for, needed. It waxes poetic on destiny
and soul mates with thoughts of forever and happily ever after pinned high on
its wings. Love affords you the luxury of a unique brand of trust, an intimate
level of confidence that solidifies two souls as one. It unifies them under the
false banner of all things holy and right.
I gave my heart
away in exchange for beauty and a song. I put a hook through my nose and
leashed it, handed the reins to the one who held my affections and gave him
permission to lead me astray. It was the scourge of my youth that bore a
thousand different sorrows.
Deceit. The grey
clouds of deceit clotted my world. The battlefield moved from heaven to my
heart. It came at me from all directions at once—an entire landscape of smoke
and mirrors. Deception in acres spawned heartache for miles. This was no
ordinary illusion. This was the severing of a lover’s cord. The death of a pure
and righteous love I believed in.
I bought into the
calm still waters that surrounded the one that I loved and entered in, but the
current pulled me under and swept me away—dangerous—inescapable.
A rainbow of
truths finally emerged. It pushed the darkness away and thrust us back into the
We held our faces
to the sun only for a moment before death clapped over us like a bridegroom
snatching away his betrothed.
Death is a promise
incapable of deception.
It tells the
truth. You were destined to die from the moment you were born. It makes no
promises, holds no delusions. Your corporal form was never meant to linger—only
love, in theory, is capable of withstanding time and memoriam.
Love promises
happily ever after, it boldly professes forever—but delivers only one thing—a
reckless brand of hope.
***TOXIC Part Two (sorry
if there are any repeats my “used” file is corrupted)***
(Skyla thinking
about Logan)
“I still love you, Logan,” I press the
words out with my heart. “I will never stop. I don’t know what you did to me
that day I met you in the bowling alley—or before that in my dreams but you
shifted my entire existence on its axis. I will never recover. I will always
need you, deeply—completely.”
(Skyla in a pickle)
Trust only your heart, my mother’s strange words come back
to me at this odd hour, and strangely enough, right about now, my heart is
saying don’t trust your mother.
*(Skyla to Marshall)
“So where are you going to sleep?” I already know the answer
but I figure we should have our first lovers spat while I’m still bright eyed
and bushy tailed and not wait until I’m so exhausted I don’t care whether or
not his heavenly bod is snuggled up to mine.
(Skyla and Gage)
“What was that about?” Gage digs his dimples in and slays me
without trying.
“You tell me.” I try not to get caught up in the fact he
just wrapped his arms around me, that he’s dotting my neck with a series of
molten hot kisses. Gage Oliver doesn’t fight fair, that’s for damn sure.
(Wes and Skyla in the Tenebrous Woods)
Wesley dreams of his Laken—her long wavy hair, the barely
there skirt of her cheer uniform. She sways her hips for him on the football
field. She’s not good by the way. Brielle could have aced those moves in her
ninth month of pregnancy if she wanted.
She’s very good, he corrects.
***Thank you so much for your outpouring of support for
TOXIC Part One all over Facebook and Twitter. You made me cry in a good way.
If you enjoyed Book 7, please consider leaving a brief review, even a sentence is
so very much appreciated! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ~A
I'm so xcited to get my hands on these books when they come out :) tease's r aw-sum as always. Now I must bid u good day/late-nite so I can finish reading Ephemeral n move on 2 Toxic pt1... looking forward to Ezrina's POV. #TeamGage
ClovisSassyGirl - Enjoy Laken's world~! And I can't wait to see what you think of TOXIC Part One. It was super fun for me to write/edit/read a million times. ;)
I am literally forcing myself to put down my Nook and get to sleep. I'm already getting sucked back into Paragon! This is the first time I have skipped over your teasers, and it is only because I want to finish Toxic 1 first. Awesome news about Someone to Love and Ezrina's story!! I don't know how ya do it, but thanks for cranking all this awesomeness out for us, your crazy and obsessive fans!!
#Team Aw Hell and Team Hell if I know! :)
This post just made my day! Ezrina POV?! Awesome. I can't wait to read ALL the new stuff in the works! And you write some of the best prologue's I've ever read. Seriously.
Skyla and Tad are making an appearance over on my blog today for Teaser Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday!
~Gin @ Addicted to Words
Addison you are just AWESOME!
TOXIC part 1 was just FANTASTIC!!! I'm already dying for part 2!!
Squeeel!!! I think I died and went to Celestra heaven. While here I think I should help Skyla with her war and maybe even smack Gage for being a dope. :) This was the best news I've received all day. I was away from my computer for the weekend and missed the update on Sunday. So excited. Thanks for sharing. Time to go read some Toxic Part I. So far I love it. I'll report back soon... :)
Omg I'm soo excited.. I'm going to go crazy having it and having to wait till the 22 nd to read it... I'm saving it to entertain myself after surgery.. I just finished Ephemeral!! I wanted to save that one as well but I was weak and couldn't hold out. I loved it. I can't wait to see how Toxic plays out with characters from both series!! And I'm also super stoked about the other upcoming books.. geeze woman do you ever sleep? Not that I'm complaining one bit!! I'll continue to read them as fast as u fork em out. So u say Toxic part 2 will be out in s few weeks possibly? And Someone to love hopefully by Xmas... do u have a time line for ephemeral book 2? Or book 8 ... lol I'm sad celestra is coming to an end but super excited to see where you take them next... thanks again for making my Tuesday.!!
Amy - I hope team "aw hell" is treating you well! T2 drifts into unchartered territory and then, well, the final book ends the teams because Skyla must decide. :)
amconal nayak - congratulations on your writing! Here's a link that might be helpful: http://indeliblewriters.blogspot.com/p/indie-resources.html
Gin Bryant - Oh, Ezrina is going to be a scary blast for me. I'm all over that project. I hope you'll enjoy the chapter preview of "The Season of The Witch". And thank you for the kind words about my prologues. Skyla tells me what to write and I just take dictation. ;)
JMama - You don't know how much that means to me. I was a little worried about splitting the book in half, but I'm so happy you feel that way. :) Thank you for taking the time to let me know! Part 2 will be a richer experience as far as what happens leading up to the climax of the series. I hope you'll enjoy that one as well.
Alysha Parent - I'm so glad you got it early even if you missed the Sunday report. I'm thrilled I didn't have to wait until Thursday to share it. :) And, please do come back and tell me your thoughts!
Jami Freed - I hope all goes well for you! And I hope you enjoy the book during your recovery. :) I'm really hoping and working hard to make sure I get T2 out as soon as possible. As for EVANESCENT and Book 8 I have those scheduled for early next year. But still a lot to come this year. ;)
Amy - lol! That was fast!!! And yes SO many things still need to happen and need to be answered but T2 advances us quite far. The final book is more of a wrap up and reveal. But it will not be rushed. At least not in my opinion, lol!
Omg, toxic part two needs to hurry up and come out. I am really interested if marshalls pov is twisted or not by his own vision of what happened! Grrrr won't know until part 2 is released. Was upset it wasn't in part 1
Team Marshall all the way <3
So sad I'm done reading it!!! I tried to just read a little at a time but could t do it. Love Gage so much... Don't break his heart please!!! This was the best one yet! Can't wait for part 2.....hurry please:)!!!!
I think I'm going to loose my will power. I have Toxic on my kindle and I'm dying to read it.!! I REALLY want to save it till the 22nd because come on, what better place to get lost in than Paragon, when u r stuck in a hospital bed!?? But I'm weak.... I need something to hold me over till then. I can't sleep without reading.. got any suggestions?? .....Here's hoping I can hold out 9 more days;)
shannara pavlic - Yes, TOXIC Part Two, lol! Marshall's twisted scene will be told by Skyla's point of view, otherwise known as the truth. ;) But then again it might just be one and the same!
Okay Addison, I got Toxic part one today at about 10 am and just finished it. I cannot tell you how mad I am. I did not see the end being that fast. I so thought it was going to go for 100 more pages. This is so not fair is toxic part two out yet? Is there another one after part 2? I do not know if I can handle anymore of the suspense.
ashashley - Oh, I love how you vied for Gage!! Gage thanks you for that. I'll try to be kind. ;) I do luv me some Gage as well. I'm sending T2 to the editor on Monday~! It's getting close!
Jami Freed - I hope all goes smooth! Toxic Part One will wait for you. Have your tried EPHEMERAL? If not there are a ton of great books out there. Remember to read the free samples of any book before purchasing. You can save heartache and dollars that way. ;) Plus there are a ton of great free books, too! Keep me updated. :)
Tiffany Garris - You did! I really hope you enjoyed it. It was literally the first half of the book. The book total was over 240K words (and growing in edits) T1 was about 120K so it was slightly shorter than VEX but larger than the rest of the books in the series. Part Two is done on my end it's just getting combed over before I send it to my editor for final edits on Monday. I'm crossing my fingers for it to releases at the end of the month-ish. It depends how long my editor will have it. After TOXIC Part Two I'll be writing until I hit "the end" of the Celestra Series!! *cries a little* I'm moving Skyla to a new series and there will be no love triangle. ;)
Yup I bought Ephemeral a few weeks ago. I tried saving that one too so I'd have 2 books to read while in recovery but I'm weak and I caved last week and read it. I loved it very much and can't wait for Evanescent to come out. I'm really excited to see how you move the characters to a new series... no love triangle?? I guess our Skyla makes her choice.. I have tried several other series that are free or low at cost and found a few ok ones. but nothing that compairs to yours.
on a side note my 1st of several Paragon party nights went fantastic. I made trivia questions for each of the first 3 books and gave $10 amazon gift cards as prizes to the top scorer of each book... we plan on having another one next month for books 4-6 hosted my my cousin who is making trivia cards for those so I can participate.. and will likely continue to the end!!
I just downloaded a book series by immogen rose... here's hoping it at least keepse from caving and reading Toxic;)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.... Is it Tuesday yet?? I need a teaser!! Lol
Haha I hope they are the same! Marshall doesn't get much love :(
I love this series. I am so anxious to find out who Skyla ends up with in the end. Please Please Pretty Please let it be Gage. I know you said there were clues to what the future held for Skyle but I must have missed them.
I tried to wait to read Ephemeral until after this series needed but could not wait. I love those characters as well. I am so them Cooper?
Both Ephemeral and Toxic part 1 were amazing just like all the rest of your book.
I feel in love with Laken and her world just as fast as I feel in love with Skyla and her world. And I already know that I'm deffenetly team Cooper. I can not wait for the next book in the countenance series.
As for Toxic part 1 I read it much faster then I wanted too, which happens when can't put a book down. I'm so glad that Ephemeral came out before Toxic part 1 so we could meet Laken, Cooper and Wes before hand. I loved here more about them in Toxic part 1 and how they are involved with Skyla. I can not wait for Toxic part 2 and to see who wins Skyla's heart. I'm rooting for Logan.
Addison I am thoroughly enjoying your Celestra series!! I just finished Toxic 1. I totally love Skyla's running dialoge. I laughed out loud especially when she's talking about Tad. Can't wait for part 2~ but kinda sad to see it end.
Addison I am thoroughly enjoying your Celestra series!! I just finished Toxic 1. I totally love Skyla's running dialoge. I laughed out loud especially when she's talking about Tad. Can't wait for part 2~ but kinda sad to see it end.
Addison!!!! AGHHH... I knew I should have waited to read this one. Now I can't concentrate and am DESPERATE for part Two. I read it in 2 nights. Mind you I didn't actually sleep and it may have resulted in a B in Calculus but it was SO worth it! You're amazing. So glad I read Ephemeral first too. I'm a Celestra/Countance fiend now.
I'm so hopeful this next "baby" comes early too. After part two, how long will we be waiting for your next literary masterpiece?
Just finished Toxic part 1 and loved it. SO glad to have been proved right about Gage, i never could believe he would betray her. little frustrated to still be wating to find out about when chloe saw him naked, but that just gives me more to look forward to in part 2.
So confused over all this future business though, what with there being different forecasts of her ending up married to, or just ending up with all three of them. how is that even possible? A couple of trebles maybe? Hell theres enough Skylas running round on the night she killed Chloe for everyone and Ellis to have one, lol. And omw thats just reminded me of her having to be Ellis' girlfriend to get his dad off her back. I'm sure that will lead to all kinds of funny.
Not sure what i think of Candice being team Logan, i should be happy, cos thought i was half team Logan myself, but it seems but it seems my team Gage side is stronger, cos it seems unfair. I mea she tells of Gage for his advances on Skyla, but not the others, when gage was the only one whose mind it ever crossed to wait till they were married (even if he dd change his mind) when all marshall thinks about 24/7 is getting her into his bedroom, married or not and when Logan was all for doing her right there on a pool table the 2nd time they met! The more i think about it the more unjust the whole justice alliance are... i mean there are rules to on how to treat P.O.W's that include them not being able to roam free, but its perfectly okay for thier captors to treat them so inhumanely?
Anyway, I'm ranting. That just shows how much I love it though, keep them coming.
Addison Moore: I am in love with you!! I have read all your Celestra series books and I'm on Toxic part one. Can't wait to read the second part! I'm only 13. if you wrote back to me, that would be amazing!!!!! Your books make me feel like I am with skyla on every adventure she goes on. It's sooooo amazing. If only I could be in the book.... well please right back!!!!
bailey easom - Hi Bailey! I don't know if you'll see this since this thread is older but I did want to write you back! I'm so happy you're enjoying the books. I'm really glad that you get the feeling that you are Skyla because that's a great way to experience the books. If you ever want a personalized response my facebook wall is the best place to reach me! I look forward to hearing from you again! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Addison-Moore/140192649382294
Yay! I wanted to ask you a few questions. if you don't mind. What gave you the inspiration to write these books? Who is your favorite character? What part of Toxic part 1 did you like to write? Hope you write back soon!!
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