Wednesday, November 30, 2011


UPDATE: VEX is live on Amazon, here's the link: VEX (Celestra Series Book 5)

I hit publish this morning at both Amazon and B&N! I'll update with a link when it goes live. For some reason mobile users are able to purchase first on Amazon.

I included a sample chapter of my new series, EPHEMERAL The Countenance Book 1, at the end of the document. I really hope you'll enjoy that along with VEX.

Look for, EXPEL Celestra Series Book 6, COMING SOON! ;)

I'll put up the cover's for both EPHEMERAL and EXPEL as soon as I have them.

Happy Reading~!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Auction news!

UPDATE; Thank you so much to all who placed a bid for the Celestra necklace and bookplate. I want to especially thank the winner for your generous donation to KOPN. If you would like, please email me anytime (email is to the left under complete profile). I would love to offer a personal thank you.

The Celestra necklace is up for auction!! The auction is being held by and all proceeds go to fund the nonprofit station. Penguin tracks is one of their on air shows that supports young adult books and music. Here's the link if you're interested!   The necklace comes with a signed BURN bookmark. The necklace itself is engraved with Celestra across one of the butterflies. There are only two of these necklaces  and I own the other one. =) Happy bidding!

Friday, November 11, 2011

NaNo, and non news, and writers, oh my!!!

First, thank you to all the Vets!!!! What an amazing thing you do for us, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you for being our protectors.

I’m really going to try and be a better blogger and put out more than one post every two months, so here’s my best effort. I have some non news, auction news, and some Indelible writer friends I’d love to share with you guys.

NaNo!!! I officially ate it when I received my edits back for VEX, so I’ll have to continue my NaNo efforts another month. DeNo or JaNo, anyone? But, forget about me. How are YOU doing? Please leave me some seriously awesome or not so awesome NaNo news in the comments section. I’d luv to hear an update! 

The non news! Yes, there is such a thing in my world. My ~big~ *epic news has yet to be revealed. I think the universe is trying to teach me a lesson in patience, and I’m failing miserably. But trust me, I have a blog post all ready to go, and I will hit send as soon as the-powers-that-be allow such a miracle.

The celebrity auction! Yes Virginia there really is an auction. I was starting to wonder myself, but lo and behold it’s up and running!!! Only, my CELESTRA necklace hasn’t been added to the list yet. Perhaps they’ve discovered the celebrity part doesn’t quite apply, lol. Turns out they ARE adding the necklace and the signed bookplate (BURN postcard) at some point this month. As soon as it’s added I’ll post the link. =)

And last, but not least, I was so honored to have been welcomed into a great writers group called the Indelibles. Here’s a list of these wonderful writers with a link to their blogs.


Please fill me in on your NaNo stats! I want to cheerlead, cattle prod, whatever it is you need.

Are you a writer? Have a book you want to pimp? A blog? Or simply tell us what an all around wonderful person you are? Please feel free to leave your testament to greatness in my comments section. I’d love to do a little literary matchmaking and connect readers and writers. =)

Are you a reader? Have questions that are VEXing you? I may not be able to answer, but I can try!

Friday, September 16, 2011


~*New*~ update:
Hi guys! Wow, thanx for all the Celestra love! Here's the Amazon link for Wicked!

Thank you again for all of the comments here, facebook, twitter, and Goodreads! Also HUGE thank you for the reviews on both Goodreads and Amazon, that's always appreciated, too!

I did note some weird section breaks in the text and fixed those. I apologize about that!

Also, I wanted to give you the heads up that thanks to a great suggestion by Heather I'll be posting an excerpt  from VEX on my facebook page on Tuesdays, thus, the The Tuesday Tease. =) I'm excited about that. Just remember, I'm West Coast and generally lazy, so it could happen at any point in the day since I'll most likely be sleeping through most of your mornings. (sadly true) 

The Nook version of WICKED should be up shortly.  

*Happy Reading*

I hit the publish button over at Amazon this morning! I’ll do the same for the Nook shortly, and both should be up sometime today or this weekend. Amazon seems to load just a little quicker and mobile users usually get the book to show first.

Hope you enjoy WICKED! I had a blast writing it. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Title reveal of book 4 and 5!!!

The titles for book 4 and 5 in the Celestra series are, WICKED, and VEX! 

*The cover for VEX is just a working cover, but I wanted to have it as a place holder over at Goodreads, and the sidebar. I'll do an official cover reveal when the book launch gets closer. VEX isn't the final book in the series, although I am inching my way towards the end. 

I have to tell you that I have the world’s greatest readers! Seriously, you are amazing, and I love to hear from you either here, FB, twitter, or Amazon’s discussion boards. I’m finding you everywhere and I’m really loving it!

In about a month I should have some really *exciting* news, which I probably shouldn’t even be mentioning, but who better to share my burgeoning excitement with other than you guys? I can’t give any hints, but stay tuned because IT. IS. EPIC! 

Unrelated, but just as important-- here's a really cool link, so if you get a chance please check it out.

Book Hookup; Celestra book to film. You cast Logan and Gage (for fun).

And lastly I wanted to leave you with a few snippets of book 4 WICKED. I was going to put in the entire preface, but decided to find some random tidbits instead.


(Skyla regarding Chloe)

She’s the demon I’ve called into being through the labor of my marrow.

(Skyla’s thoughts while looking at Gage)
He pulls back, a direct stream of moonlight pours over his features. There’s such a magnified splendor about Gage. Every piece of marble should ache to be carved into his likeness.

(Skyla’s thoughts while light driving with Logan)
Damn—Logan is hot when he’s defying his parents.

(Marshall to Skyla in regards to Logan and Gage’s whereabouts)
His eyes track over me with a look of serious disdain. “Are they all you ever think about? Does it ever cross your mind that maybe Marshall’s down there? Gee, I wonder if Marshall’s safe today?” He postures himself as though he were me.

All thoughts are welcome! Let me know what you think! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Burn, burn, burn, baby burn

*Amazon link for BURN*

Just wanted to give you the heads up that I pressed the publish button over at Amazon. So whenever Amazon can upload the file, BURN will be available for purchase. My guess is sometime in the afternoon, although Amazon can take up to a couple days when they're busy.

And just FYI, BURN is the longest book in the Celestra series thus far, by over 12 thousand words. I blame most of that on Chloe. Also, Skyla seems to be a magnet for danger in this book. If she were a RL friend, I think I would tend to stay away. So, if you're going to be picking up BURN, buckle up your seat belts because it's going to be a bumpy ride!   

~Happy reading! 

*the Nook version can take up to four or five days to load

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cover reveal of book 3!!!!

I'm super happy to reveal both cover and title! Can't wait to get it out into the world. =)

Monday, June 20, 2011

A hard days night

I finally sent book 3 to my freelance editor last night. I'm hoping it won't have to travel back and forth between the two of us for very long. Edits can be a grueling process and for sure they are a necessary evil.

For writers; Do you dread getting your work back from people who help edit your novel? Are you able to handle critiques well?

For readers; Feel free to ask anything about book 3 or just stop in and say hi! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

A day in the life...

Somehow I've managed to write my tail off and have a normal life in the real world this week. Weird, I know.

Usually the only Real World I'm affiliated with is the one left waiting for me on my DVR at the end of the week. But not this week! I went to the mall (my daughter's sad puppy dog eyes may have influenced me) and then to a bonfire where someone actually dragged their christmas tree out and we watched it go up in flames. And you know what? Even though that tree was dry and brittle it took forever for it to go up in flames. For some reason they burn much quicker and cleaner on the news.

Anyway, on the book front, I'm hard at work on the cover for book 3. The title is playing hard to get, so I'll try and pin that one down too. As soon as I have those nailed down I'll post them. Meanwhile if you get a chance, two nice bloggers were kind enough to review Ethereal and Tremble for me.

Do Not Disturb My Books

&  Love Thy Teen Author

If you get a chance stop on by and say hello!

So what are you up to in real life? Or, what's in your to-be-read pile for the weekend? 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And then it was done

I did it!

I penned the words every author looks forward to in her/his novel, 'the end'.

Awesome, right?

Well, sort of. It's really just the beginning of inhaling countless M&M's, Oreos, Starbucks frapps, and a whole array of countless calories otherwise known as edits. Yes. The beat goes on for the writer long after they hit that final scene. Some of us find it a yummier experience than others.

For writers; Do you feel euphoric or deflated when you hit that final page?

For readers;  When you hit the last page of a good book, do you feel satisfied or sad that it's over?

Monday, June 13, 2011

First draft blues

I'm almost done with the third book in the Celestra series, or at least I will be later today or sometime tomorrow. It's so fun to run as fast as you can when you're writing that first draft, but ironically that's when my brain says it would rather be editing. And of course when I'm editing my brain thinks it would be much more fun to produce the almighty first draft.

For writers; What part of the process do you like best? Writing or editing?

If you're a reader; ask me anything about book 3 if you want. I swear I almost know all the answers. ;)

Friday, June 10, 2011

If you get a chance...

Please check out these two awesome bloggers who were kind enough to interview me.

Autumn Dickinson &

Megan @ reading away the days!

Thanx! =)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Calling all Indies!

I really want to celebrate the Indie community, so I'm opening up my blog to all Indie authors who want to introduce themselves and give a shout out to their book or books. Feel free to leave links to your books or whatever other links and info you feel comfortable sharing. =)

I look forward to playing hostess! *passes the M&M's*

Here are some general questions, but add anything you like;

What's your name? What genre do you write in? Titles of your books? Any links you want to share? What's your favorite go-to snack while writing? (of course for me it's chocolate).   

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Review of Tremble

Here's a review of TREMBLE over at Autumn Dickinson's blog; Link. If you know of a review up or have written one on your blog, just let me know and I'll link you! Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No Nook news yet...

OK so I had it up on the Nook, but I'll be taking it down to reformat it. It looks like Barnes and Noble decided to eat my page breaks for breakfast. Please bear with me as I attempt to reformat and reprocess. Here's the link to Amazon in the meantime. Amazon apps are available free for both Mac's and PC's.

Also, thank you for all of your kind emails, DM's, comments. I love to hear from you guys!! Please feel free to email, facebook, twitter, leave a comment anytime.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm over at Wren's today!

I'm doing an interview over at Wren's today! I'd love it if you could stop on by. Link

Friday, May 27, 2011

TREMBLE is up!!!!!

Tremble has landed! For Kindle anyway. Nook is next up at bat. If you get a chance, check it out!! LINK Here's the jacket blurb;

Sixteen year-old, Skyla Messenger is determined to bring back the dead.

For Skyla, being an angel from the coveted Celestra faction hasn't been easy. 

An entire band of wicked angels is after her blood, a Sector is after something far more sinister, and her newfound powers lead her on a quest to save her dead father. 

Skyla and her boyfriend Logan try to piece together a plan to take down the Countenance in order to maintain their relationship, but will Skyla's burgeoning feelings for Gage get in the way?

And when Skyla decides to use her powerful blood to change the fate of another deceased soul, just who is going to stop her?


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cover reveal of book two!!!!

When I first saw this my jaw dropped because it was SO freaking gorgeous! I hope it finds some serious cover love out in the free world.

TREMBLE (Celestra Series Book 2) coming very, very, soon!!!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hop on over to Brandi's blog...

I'm over at 'Do not disturb my books' today. If you have a chance drop by, there will be prizes. Here's the link.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Putting on the polish

Book 2

I've been super busy spit shining book number two in the Celestra series. It's looking like the end of April--May-ish. I'm really excited to get it out there. I've been blown away by the response to book one, Ethereal. As soon as I get the cover for book 2 I'll upload it for the world to see.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Book's out!

Ethereal is out and available for purchase on Amazon. Here's a link if you want to check out a copy for yourself, and thank you to those of you who have already purchased! I'm humbled!

And thank you to Erin for my first 5 star review. *happy dance* Awesomeness abounds.

Book number two in the series is set to launch sometime in April.

Happy reading!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Celestra Series Book 1


Skyla Messenger is a dead girl walking.

When her newly remarried mother moves the family to Paragon Island, to a house that is rumored to be haunted, Skyla finds refuge in Logan Oliver, a boy who shares her unique ability to read minds.

 Skyla discovers Logan holds the answers to the questions she’s been looking for, but Logan’s reluctance to give her the knowledge she desires leaves her believing Logan has a few secrets of his own.

Skyla’s bloodlines may just be connected to the most powerful angelic beings that roam the earth, and the more she knows, the more danger she seems to be in.

Suddenly an entire faction of earthbound angels wants her dead, at least she still has Logan, or does she?