Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday Teasers + more reader appreciation!

It’s Tuesday again! Welcome back to the Tuesday tease and reader appreciation month~!
WOW~ what an amazing response to the reader appreciation week giveaway! Thank you so much for entering. I extended the winners from 10 to 40 last week. This week I’m trying rafflecopter and I really hope you’ll enter again for a chance to win. If you won last week you’re still eligible!
Here are the prizes this week:

One pair of Toxic PJ’s

One Tremble necklace

One Ephemeral tote bag

One Ephemeral mirrored compact

As many signed Toxic/Ephemeral bookmarks as I can send out~! 

TOXIC Part Two news~! I’m close. SO close. I have to bounce one last time with my editor and that takes about a day or two for her to peruse my corrections. Then I do as many final read-thrus as I’m comfortable with. Will I have it up by next Tuesday? Your guess is as good as mine but that’s how very close we are!
I hope you’ll hang tough for the final book (8) as our journey comes to a close. And I hope to have Skyla’s new series ready to go shortly thereafter to smooth the transition.
Don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter drawings on facebook and my blog~! The drawing is open until Thursday-midnight! There are lot’s of chances to win because I really do appreciate you guys! xoxo

TOXIC Part Two (Celestra Series Book 7.5)

 (Brielle and Skyla discussing Chloe)

Brielle ribs me. “I’m still planning a take down.”
“Good luck with that.” I’ve been outsmarted, out witted, and out played. Chloe is virtually indestructible. I’m betting not even my mother in the sky could hold her down and make her cry celestial uncle.
A flash of lighting comes from nowhere, startles me to attention as if my mother had heard and begged to differ.

(Marshall and Skyla)

“Delphinius was generous enough to cast me a vision of our future.”
I spike up in a panic. “What did you see?”
“Arms and legs, and a tangle of flesh contorting in a deliciously disturbing manner.”
Gah! Disturbing is right.

(Gage yelling at Logan at the beach)

You had your chance with her and you blew it.” He glares into him. “Just like you blow everything else in your life.”
Logan scoffs at the blow. “Sounds like my life interests you.” He leans in. “I bet you wish you were me.” Logan gravels it out, his mouth rising on the sides. “Deep inside, you know you’ll never have what Skyla and I share. Why don’t you go hook up with Chloe? Everyone here knows you want to. You could do her in the parking lot—write a poem about it after.”


*Enjoy the week~!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sasha Lavender said...

Very Very excited about 7.5 :)

sam atkin said...

I'm not sure if my last comment went through or not!! Thankyou for a great giveaway.x Can't wait to get my hands on Toxic part 2.

ClovisSassyGirl said...

I'm sooo ready for Toxic2, thanks again for having the give-a-ways their AMAZE! And a HUGE thanks for getting us T2 out in such a short time, luvs ya xoxoxo #TeamGage #GageGirl

Debi said...

I have read Toxic part one loved it like all the others. Can't wait for part 2. I just got through Epheremal and love it equally. Keep up the great writing. Thanks

Theresa said...

This is my favorite series EVER! Cannot wait for book 7 part 2!

Brandy said...

I LOVE Logan! So very excited to thinkI may have so amazing reading for Thanksgiving! Love ya girl!

MagentaCR said...

Yay so close. Gotta finish the book i picked up in the meantime fast, wouldn't want anything getting in the way of T2 when it's out.
Hmm, not liking this, more visual proof of Skyla and Marshall.. glad to see she shares my sentiments though, lol.
Grr, can i make a cameo and slap Logan for that comment? Joking of course, but seriously, he is so mean to Gage i hate him for it sometimes. They say you should judge a guy by how he treats him family, and i hope Skyla sees it for the warning it is. Gage is so kindhearted on the other hand... i do hope it works out for him.
Thanks again for the giveaways. Entering again, so hopeing for that necklace.

Unknown said...

I love your books Addison! I can't wait for Toxic 2 and more from the countenance!!

KrisDaSilvaDolla said...

I amget so very excited to read this!!!

kcasanova88 said...

I can't wait for T2 to see how everything turns out. Waiting patiently.

Stephanie.J said...

Oh my gosh I can't wait for t2...as soon as it is published my husband will loose me til I finish....your books are like pringles, once you pop you just can't stop!!!

jkin said...

Can't wait for T2!!!! I will be watching for the announcement. :)

Tara Reed Photography said...

I can't wait to read T2. I really cant wait for another Count book.love the give aways!!

Amber said...

I can wait for 7.5! By far one of my favorite series!

Amanda B. said...

Way excited!

lynncw said...

I really hope Sklya ends up with Logan. Can't wait for the Toxic 2 and book 8.Lovethis series

Unknown said...

I'll be here for all the books no matter what. Katelondmarie@gmail. com

Just another day in paradise said...

I am soo excited about 7.5!! This is absolutely one of my favorite series ever!

Gin said...

Great teasers as always! I'm dying for Part 2 - SO EXCITED it could be here next week!!!

These are some epic giveaways, Girl - thanks tons and tons!!!

~Gin @ Addicted to Words

Ann Christine said...

Addison the thought that the Celestra books are coming to an end saddens me. So glad the characters are going to be in the other books too. Grateful for these books and my Paragon escapes!

jennybever said...

I LOVE your writing!!!! I can't wait for the next book!

For the Love of Cricut said...

I am so excited about this book and this series. I am a tried and true Gage fan and still holding out hope for him with Skyla. Please please PLEASE don't let Gage end up with Chole in some weird twisted end.

Unknown said...

I am so excited to read how all of this ends!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aasvsu@hotmail.com

compgeek said...

Love this series...can't wait for toxic 2...Thanks for the giveaway!!! It's so exciting to read your books I never know the way they are going go with all the twist and turn!!!


Unknown said...

SOOO EXCITED!!!!Great teaser!!! Me and my husband are both impatiently waiting for the next one to come out!! every other day he asks me if our next book has been published, and wants to make sure i'm not reading it behind his back and not telling him it's out!!!!

Unknown said...

A stand off with Gage and Logan? It was inevitable! Lol! Can't wait!

KSinger said...

Can't wait until the next Toxic comes out. I love your books.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Toxic 2 to come out!!!

Juliet said...

Super excited to read Toxic 2!!! Im dying not reading it! And all these teasers are amazing!

Unknown said...

can't wait to read toxic part 2.

Michelle K said...

I love your books. Cant wai tfor more!! Unicornangel@yahoo.com

Michelle K said...

Dumb me. Unicornangel333@yahoo.com thats the right email!

Luna Bastet said...

Can't wait for Toxic Part 2. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! You're the best :)


Unknown said...

I still think Skyla should give in to Marshall. He's the best and always there for her. :) jw08k@my.fsu.edu

Michelle K said...

I was trying to sign in on this. I hope you books go get made into movies. I love that necklace!

Unknown said...

It's getting so close!!! It's like Christmas! And I'm not even talking about all the wicked gifts you're handing out. We love you Addison! Thanks for being so great!

Unknown said...

What is the new series with Skyla going to be about?

Shelee Whitaker said...

I can't believe my comment disappeared! Bizarre... Oh, well. I was just saying how incredible I think you are and how we fans are so fortunate to have an Author whom we love, make time for us the way you do and that you are this household favorite. That we feel that you are second to none!

Lori said...

I am so excited for this book to come out. I'm also excited to see how the two series merge together even more. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Maria said...

Thank you so much for the give away!!!

Unknown said...

Love this series! Thanks for the give away

AMBERLILLY117 said...

Can't wait! I'm so torn between Logan and Gage!

Unknown said...

I love your books!!!

Unknown said...

Can't wait for Toxic Part II!! :)

Unknown said...

Wow Logan really gave it to Gage. Can't wait for part 2. I'm dyin ovah here.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I hate that the series is comeing to an end but can't wait for skylas new series

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Excited :)

Unknown said...

Oops... It's

Emily Brinkman said...

Im so excited for toxic part 2! I'll be counting down the days untill next tuesday (:

Unknown said...

I all for Logan!!!

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for pt 2 I just can't wait.. loved the teasers as always!

Unknown said...

Super excited cant wait but I am super sad its coming to an end

Unknown said...

OMG! I just realized I still need to get Toxic, part 1!! I'm such a dummy!!

Love the teasers, Addison!

Sabrina said...

Can't wait for Toxic Part 2. Love the Pjs. :-)

kwee said...

Awesome give away cant wait till toxic part two is released!!

A Fairytale Ending :) said...

I so can't wait for Toxic Part 2 to come out! Part One left me trembling for the next book! I still can't choose between Gage and Logan, is it bad that I want both? lol :D
Awesome Giveaway btw! :-)

kam110476 said...

This is getting wicked exciting!! Not that I'm ready for the Celestra series to be over, I'm just anxious to get all my questions answered and see if Mommy Dearest ends up shooting Chloe with a proverbial bolt of Burt kicking lightning!!

Addison Moore said...

Wow~! Thank you for the amazing response! I'm so overwhelmed by all your kind sentiments. I'm crunching through edits all night to get T2 to you faster so I won't be able to respond to each of you but..

Mandy Groves - The new series follows SKyla's life after Celestra. I'm so oping you'll join me for that one because I plan on having lots of fun with it. I'm thinking about moving it out of young adult because there will be mature situations.

Charleen Pendleton - Ha, ha! Tell your husband I said hello! I think that is awesome you read together!

*Dives back into edits*

readerzsayswhat said...

Can't wait!!!

Unknown said...

I don't know what happened to my other comment but, I would like you to know it's because of you I love to read. You are my very favorite author in the whole world. I guess maybe my post disappeared because I mentioned another authors name. This time I won't say her name but I will still say she doesn't hold a candle to you in any way! Your imagination, the way your characters capture my heart(even the villains), you are able to bring Paragon and Ephemeral to life like no other author has been able to do! You are the very first writer that peaked my interest to read and I have read a lot of books since you captured my heart and imagination and there is just no Author out there that can compare to you. Not even what's her name that has a movie coming out this week. AND your are so nice too!

Unknown said...

oh yeah, I forgot, silly me! sequoiaadele15@gmail.com

Addison Moore said...

Sequoia Whitaker - Hi Sequoia! Oh my gosh you are so sweet! Sorry about blogger eating your comment, honestly it just does that sometimes. I promise its not because you mentioned another author. Blogger isn't that sophisticated and I don't mind, lol!

I'm so thrilled your love of reading has been invigorated. Books in general are such a pleasure, a treasure. I hope you find many authors that you enjoy and I'm just humbled to be one of them. Thank you for taking the time to let me know how you feel. :)

Remember to put your email into the rafflecopter. It's still open!!! Also I sent your mom an email yesterday. ;) Have a great day girl! Thank you SOOO very much for reading!

NickyCokey said...

I am beyond excited about toxic part 2! I just finished ephemeral and I just have to tell you that the way that you married the two series was perfection! I thought there was no way that I would be interested in the counts because frankly I hate them lol! But I was so pleasantly surprised! You are my favorite author Addison! I an addicted to your wonderful stories :-)

Jamie said...

I can't wait for part two also hope to see a series one day I would love the compact or any of the wonderful swag you are giving away keep the great story coming love the way it keeps twisting.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for part two!

squibbers09 said...

Yay I can't wait for part 2 and really hoping marshall's vision comes true lol

fohn said...

Can not wait for part two and sad story is coming to an end

fohn said...

Can not wait for part two! ; )

Unknown said...

The suspense is killing me !!!! I have read re-read and its seems I cannot get enough.
I can not wait till 7.5 is released (sigh!!!) And then book 8 so sad it will be over but you are one of my favorite authors so I look forward to every thing else you write ;)

n.n.morris said...

Can't wait for the next book!!!!

Teacher Tab said...

As always.. very excited to continue reading your material :) You never fail me on the entertainment factor.

Unknown said...

Write a poem about it bwhahahahaha

The Crafty Photographer said...

Love the idea of the giveaways, almost as much as i love reading your books. I've said many times Toxic 2 cant come out quick enough. Truly my most favourite author, you got me reading and i'll thank you for eternity for that :)

Unknown said...

Thanks fr the giveaway!

Rachel Mueller said...

Please please please hurry up and get hear already, Next Tuesday. Thank you for all if the wonderful traders, Adisson.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read part 2 I'm so excited! Thank you for sharing your awesome imagination with us. as long as you keep writing I will keep reading! :)

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read part 2 I'm so excited! Thank you for sharing your awesome imagination with us. as long as you keep writing I will keep reading! :)

Jamie Canosa said...

Can't wait to read part 2!!! I LOVE your books!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

Jennifer said...

Hey addy!
Best. Giveaway. Ever!!!! Hugs!

Unknown said...

Hi Addison... I 'm going crazy waiting tot T-2!! I already reread all the Celestra series and now rereading The Twilight series. It would be so awesome if they made movies of your series. It would so blow away The Twilight movies...just an idea. Lol !!

Unknown said...

I am so excited for part 2. I busted finished part 1 and I can't. Wait!!!!

Unknown said...

Great teasers, can't wait for T2!!! Thanks for all of the time and effort you have put into this series, the books are great!!

Unknown said...

Great teasers, can't wait for T2!!! Thanks for all of the time and effort you have put into this series, the books are great!!

Candace said...

I can't wait for Toxic part 2!!! You are amazing!

Candace said...

I can't wait for Toxic part 2!!! You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for part 2!!

Joi16 said...

totally excited about the new Toxic!!

Jdues05 said...

Anxiously waiting!! I cannot believe it is coming to an end!

Jdues05 said...

Anxiously waiting!! I cannot believe it is coming to an end!

Anonymous said...

I love your teasers!! Tuesday's have become a favorite of mine :) I'm excited and can't wait for it all to come together!!

Lexy said...

Hi Addison;)) I just wanted tolet you know you are truly a gifted writer. Reading became my hobby at 10 and I have read MANY books and series and this has been by far an amazing one. Celestra has been #1 series for me for over a year now I had never read a book that I actually reread paragraphs thinking Omg she must be dreaming did that just happen? Its freaking awesome and Soooo refreshing it felt like everything was getting so monotonous lately and then came YOU with this AWESOME story.
I just reread all 6 books cause I wanted al my emotions refreshed before reading T1 which i just finished and it was great!! I loooooove my Gage!!!! I'm so afraid of what is about to happen cause for the first time I really have no clue! ( that's another reason why ur writing is AWESOME! I can never guess what's gonna happen) hurry hurry hurry anxiously waiting for T2 and all your new work! I will definitely be following your work from now! #Fan4life

tmilstead said...

I absolutely love your work and can't wait for T2!!!

Unknown said...

I will def. join you. I love the Celestra series, it's one of my favorites! I'm so glad it's continuing. Thanks for the awesome books :)

Addison Moore said...

Thank you all SO much! I'm sorry I was lame and unable to reply to each one but if you ever want a personal response and don't get one here please write on my FB wall, I always seem to hit all those and my email! Addisonmoorewrites (@) yahoo.com :)

Lexy - Ack! I wish you left your email because I never know if you'll be back to read this but I read your comment while assisting in my daughters class and I was teary eyed when I was through. Thank you for the amazingly kind words. (Hugs)

Shawn Shields - I SO wish!!! lol!

Tempest Storm - Thank you!

Shauna30 said...

I can't wait for toxic 2 I barely have any finger nails left lol love your books Addison!

Unknown said...

Love!!! Can't wait! #teamLogan!!!

Unknown said...

Love!!! Can't wait! #teamLogan!!!